Lesbian shock and horror

By Kolawole Badmus

What Peter Guobadia experienced at dawn on his wife-to-be’s birthday on the 12th of April 2024 was more than shocking and a horror to say the least. It was Akhere IndiIgah’s birthday and Peter had bought some lovely and expensive things for her to show her his love and affection. With the help of the gateman to the house, he had snuck into her house to prepare a surprise breakfast for her as it was her 32nd birthday.

Up till now, Akhere had refused to have sex with Peter claiming she will not do it until their wedding night. She was always acting funny and rebuffing his romantic advances, to which he refused to be offended but decided to be a gentleman. Afterall many brides have insisted on keeping their virginity until the wedding night.

Peter was greeted with a shocking surprise as he opened Akhere’s bedroom door to find her having sex with her best friend Zainab Busari whom he had always believed they were merely just good girl friends. They were naked, sucking each other’s breasts and fondling their private parts. He caught them right there and then with a sex vibrator in hand.

Peter dropped the breakfast tray he was carrying and then brought out his mobile phone and started to record his wife-to-be and her friend stack naked. In his words, he said, “…this is my evidence, and I am going to call the police to come and arrest you because I can’t believe that you, my fiancée, is a lesbian having sex with another dirty woman…” and they started begging Peter.

Asked how he handled it, he said, “I flew into a rage, but I was silent and didn’t say much. Akhere & Zainab are supposed to be two Christian girls, who are born again. How can a Christian woman be sleeping with another Christian woman? It is odd! A big sin! The Bible condemns it, and it is immorality beyond measure.”

“Akhere Igah was crying, begging (me) Peter and so was her lover Zainab Busari, especially when I began taking their picture, naked there on the bed. I wanted to show the proof to the police and to her family. She ruined my life. She desecrated my wedding plans. A woman has had sex with her before I got a chance to touch her. Now, she is tainted, soiled, contaminated. Really, she is an abomination to me. I will not even have her for a concubine.

“She is dirty! Not just dirty, she is filth! She deserves to die, even set on fire and burnt at the stake to get rid of this witchcraft and lesbian spirit in her. Akhere Indi Igah must face police charges with her harlot sex mate Zainab Busari.”

Peter said people later told him that both Akhere and Zainab are known prostitutes. That they are harlots. And that they sell sex as a trade. He said “that is when I went to the police to report her and her sex friend. I took their photos & videos with me to show the police, but when officers were sent to the house, she had vanished. She ran away and we are still looking for her. They both must be brought to face justice. I used to feel sorry for gay people but now, to see Akhere with her mouth on another woman’s breast and her fingers in her vagina?”

“Oh, no! She crossed the line. She must pay for it! Why?”

Peter provided us with the picture of the two women he is accusing. He is willing to appear in court when the police find the two women. When our staff reporters visited the address in Lagos, no one was available for comment. We invite Akhere IndiIgah and Zainab Busari to contact us and tell us their own story. We also invite them to go to the police who are now looking for them.

Nigerian Penal Code:

Same sex sexual relationships are illegal in Nigeria. The maximum punishment in the 12 northern states that have adopted Sharia law is death by stoning. That law applies to all Muslims and to those who have voluntarily consented to application of the Sharia courts. In southern Nigeria and under the secular criminal laws of northern Nigeria, the maximum punishment for same-sex sexual activity is 14 years imprisonment. The Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition Act criminalises all forms of same-sex unions and same-sex marriage throughout the country.


We have it on good authority that both Akhere Indi Igah and Zainab Busari have fled abroad. If anyone has any up-to-date information, please contact us and contact the Nigeria Police Command in Lagos.

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