Lesbian couple attacked by vigilante group: One dead, one rescued, appeals for help against FGM threat

In a shocking incident in Ekpan, Delta State, a local vigilante group targeted Joy and Cynthia, a lesbian couple, on November 30th. Tragically, Joy succumbed to injuries sustained in the attack and passed away on December 3rd, despite efforts to save her at the hospital. However, Cynthia Tekedor was rescued by the police from the nearby Ekpan police station.

During an interview, Mrs. Ejiroghene Cynthia Tekedor recounted the shattering experience, stating, “Joy and I were caught in the act, and the vigilante group unleashed their anger on us. It’s thanks to the police that I’m still alive, but Joy wasn’t as fortunate; she died in the hospital after three days.”

Mrs. Tekedor went on to express grave concerns for her own safety and that of her two daughters. She highlighted the imminent threat of prosecution and the practice of genital mutilation (FGM) in her husband’s hometown, Ogbe Ijoh, scheduled for April 2024.

Urgently seeking assistance from the Nigerian and international communities, Mrs. Tekedor implored for help to rescue her daughters from the abolished FGM exercise, which poses a grave risk to their lives and well-being.

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