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Kaduna Govt commissions 150 operational vehicles, 500 motorcycles to tackle insecurity



By Austine Emmanuel, Kaduna

Kaduna state government has commissioned 150 Hilux Operational Vehicles and 500 motorcycles to tackle insecurity in the state.

This is as the government stated that the safety and security of citizens remain paramount to them and will do everything humanly possible to rid the state of every security challenges confronting Kaduna state.

Speaking at the commissioning ceremony on Tuesday at the Sir Kashim Ibrahim Government House in Kaduna, the state Governor, Senator Uba Sani stated that it is their duty as government to support the security agencies in carrying out their vital responsibilities.

He noted that the commissioning and distribution of vehicles including motorcycles is not just about providing work tools but about demonstrating their continuous support to security forces, by empowering and showing that the government values their sacrifices, and supporting them in their mission to protect and serve.

He said, “We recognise the challenges confronting our security personnel, especially in terms of mobility and swiftly accessing remote areas. Improved mobility means that security operatives can respond faster and more efficiently to distress calls. It means that our security forces can more easily seize the initiative. It also means that citizens can feel safer because of the more visible security presence.

“The safety and security of our citizens remains paramount. It is our duty as a government to support the security agencies in carrying out their vital responsibilities. We recognise the challenges confronting our security personnel, especially in terms of mobility and swiftly accessing remote areas.

“Improved mobility means that security operatives can respond faster and more efficiently to distress calls. It means that our security forces can more easily seize the initiative. It also means that citizens can feel safer because of the more visible security presence.

“Apart from the distribution of operational vehicles and motorcycles, our administration has taken other proactive measures to enhance the security of Kaduna State. I recently signed the Kaduna State Security Trust Fund Bill into Law. This will ensure funding support towards efforts to degrade bandits and terrorists in the state, with the productive engagement of the private sector. The Trust Fund will raise funds for the acquisition and deployment of even more security equipment, personnel and materials as well as training.

“Apart from the distribution of operational vehicles and motorcycles, our administration has taken other proactive measures to enhance the security of Kaduna State. I recently signed the Kaduna State Security Trust Fund Bill into Law. This will ensure funding support towards efforts to degrade bandits and terrorists in the state, with the productive engagement of the private sector.

“The Trust Fund will raise funds for the acquisition and deployment of even more security equipment, personnel and materials as well as training. We are equally leading the calls for legislative reform toward the establishment of State Police. I commend National Assembly Members from Kaduna State for identifying with this cause,” he said.

In his remarks, the Chief of Defence Staff, (CDS) General Christopher Musa, said that the operational vehicles will not only facilitate their strategic mobility but will also serve as a testament to the enduring spirit of the Nigerian Armed Forces.

The CDS while commending the efforts of the state Governor, Senator Sani said that the Governor has made Kaduna a friendly state, where everybody is carried along without any form of discrimination, and thus had changed the atmosphere of the state.

“I would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to the Kaduna State Government, under the leadership of His Excellency, Governor Uba Sani, for the invaluable donation of these operational vehicles. This gesture of solidarity and support underscores the strong partnership between the armed forces and the government at both state and federal levels.

“The provision of these vehicles and motorcycles will undoubtedly bolster our operational readiness, enhance our mobility, and further strengthen our capacity to safeguard the security and sovereignty of our beloved country.

“As we commission these operational vehicles today, let us recommit ourselves to the noble cause of defending our nation with honour and integrity. Let us harness the capabilities of these vehicles to further enhance our operational effectiveness, protect our communities, and uphold the values of loyalty, courage, and unity that define our armed forces.

“Together, we stand as guardians of peace, guardians of freedom, and guardians of the Nigerian people,” the CDS remarked.

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Alia promises to revive Otobi Water Works for efficient service delivery



…As Zone ‘C’ Elders endorse him for second term

By Titus Atondu, Makurdi

Benue state Governor, Rev. Fr. Dr. Hyacinth Alia, has assured the people of Otukpo/Ohimini  federal constituency of his administration’s readiness to resuscitate Otobi water works for enhanced service delivery.

Governor Alia made the promise while addressing the people of Otukpo/Ohimini federal constituency at the peak of his thank you tour across the 23 local government areas of the state, explained that the Otobi water works when revived would reticulate water to residents of its host communities.

Alia told the people of Otukpo/Ohimini federal constituency that prior to his assumption of office as the Governor the state was in total darkness but has been able to restore the lost light in the state.

The restored light according to the Governor is evident in the installation of street lights across Makurdi township and other major cities in the state, procurement of 100 buses for Benue links the only state transport company to cushion the high cost of transportation faced by Benue people, construction of roads across the state, construction of under passes in Makurdi, Gboko and Otukpo towns respectively, prompt payment of workers salaries, pensions and gratuities among many other projects to mention.

On the issue of  security of lives and property, the Governor further told them that security issues are not discussed in the open rather they are seen through strategised actions.

“Before now, there used to be massive killings across the state, 90 persons killed in Guma, 60 persons killed in Logo, 40 persons killed in Gwer west and so on, but now the state under my leadership is experiencing relative peace and we are working round the clock to put a stop to the attacks on our people and ensure the return of IDPs from camps to their ancestral  homes to continue with their usual farm activities,” Alia explained.

Alia appreciated the people of Otukpo/Ohimini federal constituency for their support in the 2023 governorship election that recorded the highest number of votes first in the history of the state and the return of democracy and assured them of more democracy dividends to the constituency.

Senator Barnabas Gemade, General Lawrence Onoja rtd on behalf of the Benue State Elders Forum endorsed the Governor for a second term because of his unprecedented leadership disposition that brought about economic and infrastructural stability in the state.

They promised to remain supportive and protective to Alia’s administration to succeed and called on the people of the state to support his administration for more democracy dividends.

Rt. Hon. Mrs.  Blessing Onuh, Member  house of representatives Otukpo/Ohimini federal constituency, said it was the first time in the history of the state that a sitting Governor goes round the nooks and crannies of the state to appreciate the electorates on a job well done by voting him massively into the office of the governor.

“Your Excellency, what you have done is a true reflection of a visionary leader  with numerous achievements recorded courtesy of you within one year, we will continue to support you,” Mrs. Onuh maintained.

In a goodwill message, all Benue state House of Assembly members from Otukpo/Ohimini, threw their collective weight behind the Governor because of the unprecedented achievements recorded within a short period in office as the Governor.

They promised to be collaborating with the Governor for the overall good of the state and their respective constituencies.

They thanked the Speaker of the Benue state House of Assembly and the Vice Chairman North Central, Speakers of State Legislatures of Nigeria Rt. Hon. Hyacinth Aondona Dajoh, who is the reason for the cordial working relationship between the executive and the legislature and the cordial relationship established  among members of the 10th Benue Assembly.

“We will continue to support your positive policies and programs through quality legislation for the overall benefit of the masses of the state,” they assured.

In his remarks, the Deputy Governor of Benue State, Barrister Sam Ode mni, described the governor and his principal as a leader of few words that believe in actions rather than talking.

“The legacies that my principal is putting in place in the state shall continue to stand the taste of time for the generation yet unborn to benefit. I urge all and sundry to support his administration to succeed,” Ode urged.

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IOM donates domestic materials to over two million IDPs in Benue



By Titus Atondu, Makurdi

The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) has donated essential household relief  materials to over two million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Benue State.

The Chief of Mission of International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in Nigeria, Laurent De Boeck, performed the ceremony on Wednesday at Ichuwa IDPs camp in North Bank Makurdi,

The items donated include: mattresses, gallons, blankets, mosquito nets, cooking utensils, buckets, among others.

Mr De Boeck explained that the non-food items were to support the IDPs  still in  camps while the State  Government and development partners executed the durable solutions.

He further said  the delegation also included members of the North -East Ambassadors Group, UN Delegation all headed by the IOM Chief of Mission, Mr De Boeck.

He called for much collaboration and cooperation between the State Government and the development partners for effective and efficient handling of the humanitarian crises in the State.

He commended the State Government for the work done so far and urged them to redouble their efforts to actualise the identified durable solutions.

The United Nations (UN) donated 2,000 prepared sets of dignity kits to preserve the dignity of women and girls while in the camps.

Humanitarian/SRH Analyst UNFPA, Dr. Matthew Onoja, while making the UN presentation said all women irrespective of wherever they may be should have their dignity intact.

Earlier, the Governor of Benue State, Rev. Fr. Dr.  Hyacient Alia received the team lead by Chief of Mission Laurent De Boeck of International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in Nigeria.

He also said the State Government would today launch the Rapid Response Fund, an initiative made possible through the collaboration of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and the United States Agency for International Development’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (USAID-BHA).

The Governor who was represented by his deputy, Barr. Sam Ode, mni, said their presence in the State  representing Ambassadors, High Commissioners, heads of international financing institutions, the United Nations, and other international bodies, underscores their unwavering commitment to the security, stabilisation, and development of Benue State.

He further commended them for their dedication to providing life saving humanitarian assistance to the distressed Benue people.

“The Rapid Response Fund is not just a project; it is a lifeline for many in our community. It is designed to provide immediate relief and to uphold the dignity of our displaced populations by addressing urgent protection and gender-based violence (GBV) issues, improving hygiene conditions within the camps, and facilitating the closure of IDP camps on economic sites to allow business activities to resume.

“This initiative aligns with our Durable Solutions Plan, ensuring that while we provide temporary relief, our long-term commitment to sustainable solutions for IDPs remains steadfast. Your support in this endeavour is invaluable, and I am confident that together, we can create meaningful and lasting change,” the Governor maintained.

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We are committed to economic revival of North East — Shettima



…Flags off 2nd phase of Jere-Bowl road construction, agric inputs distribution

Vice President Kashim Shettima has reaffirmed the federal government’s unwavering commitment to driving economic revival and development in the NorthEast region of the country.

Senator Shettima stressed that the only way to reclaim and shape the narrative of the North-East region is if everyone stands together.

The Vice President stated this on Wednesday while laying the foundation for the new headquarters building of the North East Development Commission (NEDC) in Maiduguri.

According to him, the event was a demonstration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s promise, an assurance of his commitment, and a reminder of the importance of the North-East region to the nation.

VP Shettima noted that it was a deep honour to be present to witness the commencement of a legacy of service that would outlast all those in attendance.

Addressing the gathering, he said, “NEDC is a product of the people, and it shall serve the interests of the nation. It is this foundational principle that guides the NEDC. This institution, therefore, embodies our collective resolve to transform the narrative of this region—from one marred by despair and devastation to one defined by renewal and triumph.”

“Today is a demonstration of our promise, an assurance of our commitment, and a reminder of what this sub-region means to the nation.”

The VP explained that the foundation-laying ceremony was a step towards fulfilling President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s promise to prioritise initiatives that safeguard the interests of the North East region.

“This promise is not merely a political commitment but a moral obligation to the people who have endured so much and deserve nothing less than a future defined by peace, stability, and prosperity,” he said.

The Vice President stressed that the new head office surpasses mere infrastructure, embodying the strength of the nation’s collective will to rebuild, restore, and overcome the challenges that have hindered the region’s progress.

“This head office shall symbolise the strength of our shared aspirations as a people with shared objectives. As we lay this foundation, we do so with a vision of a North-East that is vibrant, resilient, and forward-looking.

“We do so by imagining our contributions to building a nation where every child has access to quality education, where healthcare is accessible to all, where infrastructure supports thriving economies, and where peace and security are the bedrock of daily life,” he added.

The Vice President also inspected progress on the first phase of construction on the  27km Jere Bowl Road Network in Mafa/Jere local government area, just as he also performed the groundbreaking ceremony for the second phase of the project.

The projects, Senator Shettima noted, reaffirm the federal government’s commitment to the development and prosperity of Borno State.

“This project symbolises our dedication to improving the lives of our people, enhancing security, and fostering economic growth. It is a testament to our unwavering resolve to build a Nigeria where every citizen, regardless of their location, has the opportunity to thrive,” he emphasised.

On the significance of the project, Senator Shettima stated, “A robust road network accelerates the process of urbanisation. As rural areas become more accessible, we will witness the development of new urban centres, leading to better access to education, healthcare, and other essential services.

“Each road we construct supports security, commerce, and agriculture. They enhance the standard of living for our people. Without a reliable network of roads, we cannot fulfil our promises to the people, nor can we sustain our democracy. The full participation of remote communities in our nation’s development depends on a dependable road network.”

Underscoring the socio-economic importance of Borno State to the North East region, the Vice President further stated that the “economic agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu is rooted in supporting each state of the federation in achieving its objectives and fulfilling our promises to the nation.

“Borno State holds a pivotal role in our nation’s economy and will always remain a top priority in our efforts to stabilise and promote unity and peace across the nation,” he added

“We are very proud of what you are doing as our leader in the North East by ensuring the smooth take-off of this project as well as enhancing the operations of the NEDC,” Governor Yahaya stated.

He called on Governors and other stakeholders from the North East states to work towards achieving the goals of the NEDC.

The Governor however lamented the devastating effect of the Boko Haram insurgency, which he said took the North East zone 50 years backwards.

“We therefore need to work hard to recover the lost grounds, and with Vice President Shettima’s motivation and support, we can achieve that,” he added.

Acting Governor of Borno State, Usman Kadafur on his part, applauded the good work so far done by the North East Development Commission (NEDC) in the six states of the region.

“The effort of the NEDC is adjudged a quite successful story and it is the pride of the various state governments across the North East region,” he said, regretting that the Boko Haram insurgency had a pervasive impact on the region, with Borno State as the worst hit.

He however noted that the Borno State government took a decisive step by unfolding comprehensive strategies that have since contributed a lot in addressing the menace.

For his part, Chairman of the Governing Board of NEDC, Major General Paul Tarfa (rtd), said the laying of the foundation for the construction of a befitting headquarters has opened a new chapter in the history of the Commission, symbolising growth.

Earlier while welcoming guests, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Commission, Engr. Mohammed Goni Alkali said the event was a milestone in the history of NEDC and the entire North East region.

He noted that the master plan for the North East is in tandem with the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Tinubu.

He further sought for cooperation and synergy among stakeholders in order to realise its objectives.

Engr. Alkali listed the facilities of the proposed NEDC headquarters to include offices, conference rooms, a sick bay, and a humanitarian centre, among others.

There were goodwill messages from the Chairmen of both the Senate and House of Representatives Committees on Special Duties, whose committees supervise the activities of the NEDC, even as they pledged more support for the Commission.

In a related event, the Vice President also flagged off the distribution of farming equipment and inputs.

Other dignitaries that attended the occasion, were Yobe State Deputy Governor, Alhaji Barde Gubana; Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Sen. Abubakar Kyari; Minister of Mines and Steel Development, Uba Maigari; the Shehu of Borno, Abubakar Ibn Garbai, and Emir of Fika, Dr Muhammadu Idrissa, among others.

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