
Journalists pivotal to successful census – NPC Commissioner



By Dennis Udo Udoma, Uyo

The Federal Commissioner representing Akwa Ibom on the board of the National Population Commission (NPC), Engr. Benedict Ukpong in the one day capacity building workshop for journalists on “Effective reporting of the forthcoming 2023 Population and Housing Census”, held in Uyo, the state capital, said it was another milestone in the journey towards the digital and green census in Nigeria.

Engr. Ukpong, who described journalists as critical stakeholders for effective population and housing census said the training workshop has provided the unique opportunity to proactively engage the media and other stakeholders in the state for contributions and feedback that would engender a successful, credible and acceptable census coming up from March 29 to April 2, 2023.

He explained that, no organization can strive without constantly engaging the media for smooth dissemination of information to its publics, the reason NPC is partnering journalists to aggressively engage the people through publicity and advocacy to achieve its mandate.

Ukpong, appreciated President Muhammadu Buhari for his approval for the conduct of the first ever digital exercise and the Chairman, NPC, Hon. Isa Nasiru for his untiring effort and timely response towards achieving a successful census.

The Federal Commissioner however added that, the training was carried out across the country and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja for what he described as population journalists to effectively engage Nigerians about the exercise.

Earlier, the State Director of the commission in Akwa Ibom, Mr. Emmanuel Edem said, NPC on recognising the role of the media decided to engage journalists for a full scale publicity and advocacy of their activities in the forthcoming census in March.

He urged journalists to support the commission succeed in its effort to embark on a successful and acceptable census for the country.

The keynote speaker, Dr. Udeme Nnana of the Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua who spoke on the topic,”How to Generate Media Content for a Successful National Population Census 2023″ said, the aim and objective of a population census in any country is for successful planning and distribution of resources for the citizenry’s wellbeing.

He commended the commission for embarking on the exercise noting that, building the capacity of journalists on content development for a successful census is essential to sensitize the citizens on the need and importance of the population.

Dr. Nnana charged journalists to take the responsibility of informing Nigerians on the importance of the census saying that, it’s pertinent for a country to have data on its demography and for the media to refute negative criticisms that would trail the exercise.

He urged NPC to take it as a responsibility by sustaining the campaigns on effective and successful population and housing census.

Chairman on the occasion, Mr. Etebong Michael, a.k.a Michael Bush thanked President Buhari for his achievements and for approving the conduct of the exercise, noting that, “it would afford the country a platform for effective planning and development of the country”.

He said the capacity training for journalists in the state would enhance the fortunes of Akwa Ibom by imbibing the outcomes of the workshop.

Goodwill messages were also presented by the Director General of Akwa Ibom Broadcasting Corporation, AKBC, Pastor Anietie Ukpe, GM, NTA Channel 12, Uyo, Secretary General of Oro Union, Dr. Chris Okon and Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Comrade Ini Ememobong amongst others.

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