Is Jesus Christ the Son of God?

Beloved, People’s perceptions of Jesus Christ differ. To some, He is a Prophet of God. Truly,  He is being addressed as such in many places in the scripture as He is all-knowing. Everything He said when He was on earth came to pass, and most of the things He said would happen after His death are also coming to pass now. He also noted before His departure that heaven and earth would pass away but none of His words would go unfulfilled ( Matt. 24 vs. 34 – 35). He exhibited the prophetic gift given to him by God without measure, in a strange dimension because none of His words fell to the ground as it is with some Prophets’ words in our time.

Jesus Christ also addressed Himself as the Son of man because of the way His heavenly father had chosen to bring Him into this world for His assignment to mankind, as the Saviour of the whole world (1 John 4  vs. 14).

Two instances out of many where Jesus Christ referred to Himself as the Son of Man was when He was talking to His disciples about what would happen before His departure and during His second coming (Mark 8 vs. 31 & 38, Mark 10 vs.32 – 34, Mathew 24  vs. 29 – 30)).

He was also addressed as the Son of Man when He was preaching boldly and with authority. marveled at His level of wisdom, saying, ‘Is this not the Son of the Carpenter?’ They knew Him to be the Son of Joseph (Matt 13 vs 55 – 56).

Furthermore, some Christian brethren referred to Jesus Christ as Angel Michael. He is not because Angels were asked to worship Him (Hebrews 1 vs.5- 6). In addition, Angels are not begotten sons of God. They are Ministering Spirits and they must not be worshipped (Hebrews 1 vs. 13 – 14).

Who Jesus Christ is, is who His heavenly father said He is. God’s pronouncement about who He is was made clear to the world, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ Himself when He was baptized by John the Baptist ( Mathew 3 vs. 16 -17). This similar pronouncement was made when Jesus took Peter, James, and John to the Mount of Transfiguration with an order that the Disciples and the whole world must hear Him. ( Mathew 17 vs. 1-5).

Apart from the confirmation from God the Father about who Jesus Christ is, other people who also confirmed that He was the Son of God were:

  1. Confirmation by Jesus Christ Himself

Jesus Christ more often than not referred to  God as His father and this has generated more controversy among the Gentiles in His days and even today. Jesus Christ said that He came from the Father and unto Him, He would return ( John 16 vs. 28). After ascending to heaven, it was also confirmed in the Scripture that He is sitting at the right hand of God the Father ( Mark 16 vs.19). Meanwhile, before His departure, He ordered His disciples to baptize new converts in the name of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy Spirit ( Mathew 28 vs. 18 – 20).

  1. Confirmation by the Disciples

The Disciples of Christ confirmed throughout their lifetime that Jesus Christ was the Son of God when propagating the gospel as they have been told by Him several times. Three of His disciples, Peter, James, and John who had the privilege of following Him to the Mount of Transfiguration heard His name and the order given concerning Him that He must be heard.

  1. Confirmation by Devil, Evil, and Unclean Spirit

Jesus Christ had an encounter with a man possessed by many evil spirits called legion. He was being tormented perpetually by these spirits/devils. When the evil spirits saw Jesus Christ, He was addressed correctly as the Son of the Most High God. (Mark 3 vs. 11, Mark 5 vs.7). He also had a similar encounter with those possessed by the devil in Luke 4 vs. 40-41.

  1. Confirmation by the Holy Spirit

Romans 8 vs. 16  says ‘ His spirit testifies with our spirit that we are the children of God.’ Once you receive and believe in His name, you are empowered to be called the Son of God like Him ( John 1 vs. 12).

  1. Confirmation by an Angel of God

Before the birth of Jesus Christ, Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary in a dream and told her she would be pregnant and she would give birth to a baby boy to be named Jesus Christ. He added that He would be called the Son of the Most-High God ( Luke 1 vs. 30 – 35).

6  Confirmation by the Apostle

Apostles of Christ throughout their assignment on earth believed that Jesus Christ was the Son of God without any iota of doubt. In  Romans 1 vs. 1-3, Apostle Paul confirmed that God was the Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ when he was speaking to the saints in Ephesus ( Ephesians 1 vs. 3). He also told the saint at Colosse the same thing ( Colossians 1 vs 2-3).

  1.  Confirmation by the Centurion

The Centurion, a Soldier, who witnessed how Jesus Christ gave up the ghost on the Cross of  Cavalry also confirmed that Jesus Christ was the Son of God ( Mark 15 vs. 37 – 39). When Pilate wanted to be sure whether Jesus Christ truly died, he asked the Centurion who confirmed to him that He had died. Pilate, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jose, the Centurion, and Joseph, who carried His Cross, saw the sepulcher where He was laid  (Mark 15 vs.44 – 46 ).

Beloved, It may interest you to know that God is speaking in our days through the Son (Hebrews 1 vs. 1-2). The privilege of becoming a Son of God can be extended to you only if you believe and accept Him as your personal Lord and Saviour.

Many people have taken this step and they are enjoying the privilege. Some have even become Soldiers of Christ indeed by propagating the gospel and getting people prepared and ready for the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, which is also certain. Don’t exempt yourself from this great privilege as tomorrow may be too late. Repent and forsake your sins and it shall be well with you.

Remain blessed.

Written by Evangelist Alatise Sunday. 0

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