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IPPIS database has not been compromised — FG

By Matthew Denis

The Federal Government has reassured civil servants that the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS) database remains secure and has not been compromised.

This assurance came from a statement issued by the Office of the Accountant General of the Federation (OAGF), through Bawa Mokwa, Director of Press and Public Relations.

In the statement, the OAGF stressed that the government is committed to maintaining and operating a safe and efficient personnel and payroll management system.

Mokwa stated that “the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS) database has not been compromised,” and reaffirmed that employees’ personnel data is secure.

This statement comes amid concerns over possible vulnerabilities in government payroll systems.

The OAGF, which is responsible for overseeing the management of the IPPIS and other federal financial initiatives, revealed that it has implemented an ICT Security Policy aimed at safeguarding its digital assets.

According to the OAGF, this policy aligns with global best practices in cybersecurity, ensuring the continuous protection of sensitive data within government systems.

“No data is saved on the OAGF website,” the statement clarified, addressing rumours that sensitive information may have been stored or compromised through the website.

“The IPPIS uses the website only to share information, not for transactions. Neither payroll nor payments are made through the website, therefore, no data is contained in the website,” Mokwa stated. “This distinction was necessary to dispel any misconceptions that the website itself may have posed a security risk.”

The statement further clarified that the IPPIS Validation Portal, recently developed to update employee information, had been deployed for a specific period. Once the data validation exercise was completed, the portal was shut down permanently to prevent any further access.

“The IPPIS Validation Portal was deployed on a secure platform,” the statement read, adding that a secure database and application system were procured from HELIX-FONS, a reputable international software provider. This measure was taken to ensure the highest level of security for the data submitted by employees during the validation exercise.

Acknowledging the importance of the IPPIS to the Nigerian workforce, the OAGF expressed its commitment to easing any fears civil servants may have about the safety of their personal data.

The office reassured employees that all necessary mechanisms have been put in place to resolve any issues that may arise in the system’s operations.

For civil servants who may experience irregularities in their salaries or payroll records, the OAGF advised them to follow official channels and procedures to have such issues resolved efficiently.

The IPPIS has been a central pillar of the Federal Government’s efforts to reform its payroll system. It was introduced as a measure to eliminate ghost workers and improve transparency in the management of public sector salaries. However, concerns over the security of sensitive personal and payroll data have occasionally surfaced, prompting this latest reassurance from the OAGF.

The OAGF’s statement serves to quell growing concerns that the payroll system could be at risk of data breaches or misuse.

The emphasis on the IPPIS’s security infrastructure and the robust ICT security policies in place demonstrates the government’s commitment to protecting employee data and maintaining the integrity of its financial management systems.

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