International Youth Day: UN, IAWPA, National Award Winner, Adebukola Adeogun empowers women for Fashion Tech hub

By Omolola Dede Adeyanju

United Nations and IAWPA Ambassador for Girls/Women Speak who also doubles as a National Award Winner for Fashion Tech, and CEO of Bukola Nevile Ltd, Ambassador Adebukola Adeogun, in conjunction with SLY Impact Foundation has upskilled 33 Women through a two month Technical Vocational Training and Digital Literacy Mentorship Program targeted at unravelling the female gender to countless opportunities in the Fashion Tech Industry.

The two months Program being held in Lagos, hosted South West United Nations Ambassador’s Advocacy Network in commemoration of  International Youths Day on Monday, 12th of August to sensitise the female gender on leveraging opportunities in the fashion world viz-a-viz digital literacy as enumerated under 2024 theme; “Harnessing Clicks to Progress: Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development.”

According to Amb. Adebukola Adeogun, a National MSME Award Nominee and Facilitator of the technical vocational training program; “The training Program is aimed at transforming lives to inspire progress.” She expressed her concern for most people who pay heavily for training and other vocational programs. While she encountered them during their internship with her, she realises many actually acquired little or no expertise in the vocation. This formed the background to her free training.

Adebukola however stated, “I am very passionate about giving back to the society and creating opportunities which I myself never had access to growing up. I started this free training, which is over a decade now, once a year, then navigated to a quarterly training. We announced the Free Training online and started with majorly fashion designing before we dived into other aspects such as digital inclusion, fashion tech and the likes.

“Being a UN profile Volunteer and an Ambassador under the girls and Women Speak. I also owe it a duty to empower the female gender and uphold the SDG goals.”

The Ambassador further urged the participants to invest much in themselves and in networking beyond ‘photos,’ assuring that there are over a hundred opportunities in the current age with free accessibility. “Hence any youth who is not empowered or skilled cannot blame the society, parents or government.” she added.

Speaking to Newsdirect, Ambassador for the United Nations and Executive Director, Next Initiative for Gender Action Foundation, Lion Adebukola Shoaga Bada examined the relevance of the training for the female gender.

She said, ‘As an Ambassador for Girls and Women Speak, our core function is to speak to issues relating to girls and women. Today being the International Youth Day, our concern for the girl child prompts our participation in BN’s Empowerment for women, targeted at training and empowering Women generally to be self-reliant.

Lion Adebukola further elucidated, “Everyone has a peculiar gift, identifying that gift and bracing it to get the best is sacrosanct. The popular Fashionistas and models on international runways, who earn money by making people beautiful all started from identifying their interests. Discovering your gifts in creativity, arts and learning how to use your materials is a great lead to excel.

“A platform like Bukola Nevile Vocational training has provided a platform which the women can key into and leverage to capture their world.”

Lion Bukola therefore appealed to the current administration to invest in electricity, fundings, and call for more textile mill companies, so that fabrics can be affordable and accessible to women and girls who want to build their talents and career in the industry, since many textile companies left the country already due to the economic situation.

She lauded the participants on their enthusiasm, seeing how much they enjoyed what they were doing which she identified as the best act for learning, “when you enjoy what you do, you get the best out of it,” she stated.

Meanwhile, Researcher majoring in gender balance and UN Ambassador, Lion Mrs Peace Chris Ogechi, also appraised participants of the training for the amazing artworks they created through fabrics in the space of three weeks.

She expressed the relevance of harnessing digitalisation to showcase talents and crafts beyond one’s immediate environment, pinpointing Bukola Nevile Ltd, amongst others in the fashion world who have exceeded the shores of using fabrics for clothing alone but also leverage other technical uses such as recycling.

With a promise to facilitate a free program to teach participants how to go digital on their crafts and creativity, she urged them to cease opportunities in the online space.

In her submission, the gender advocate explained, “knowing that we are in an era of digitalisation, we understand that most women and girls are lagging behind and need to upskill into the digital space which will aid in achieving a shameless marketing strategy through content creations with their goods and services.”

Rating the textile industry, she expressed that the industry is yielding as major players in the fabric and textile industry are females. “That’s to tell how forthcoming it is for the women and girl child.”

“UN in her contribution to female development is overwhelming. As it’s our mantra to empower women and the girl child. There is a popular saying that when you empower a woman, you empower a nation. The UN is doing a lot in this light, that’s why they got people like me and other ambassadors to look at ways we can amplify the voices of the girl child,” she said.

Speaking to one of the participants, Barr. Bankole Itunu, who doubles as a wig maker and fashionista, expressed her excitement over the training which has been very impactful, noting how she learnt to make several wears within a space of three weeks.

“My word for the youths is that they should believe in themselves and be patient to learn. Don’t be distracted by what others are doing around you, we all have our different inbuilt strengths.”

Another participant, Mrs Abilekan Oladejo submitted the impacts of the UN Speakers in changing the mindset and general belief of the female gender.

In her words, “The UN Speakers have taught us to be enterprising, believing in ourselves as women in order for us to be self reliant. We understand that there is no occupation where a woman cannot function, therefore a woman should not undermine herself.”

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