Insecurity, other challenges pose a threat to real estate sector — President NIESV

By Uwana Akpan

President and chairman of National council of Nigerian Institution of Estates Surveyors and Valuers, (NIESV), Emma Okas Wike has bared his mind on the issue bothering on real estate in the country, stressing tha insecurity, among other challenges post a threat to the sector.

According to him, the gruesome killing and violent attacks by Boko haram which characterized by the abduction and destruction of houses, schools churches, mosques, health care center and farmlands have plunged the nation into state of anarchy and insecurity woe.

Speaking with journalists in Lagos, he called on the government to channel more resources into Agriculture, power, and more importantly, real estate and infrastructure.

While commending government efforts in addressing the security challenges in Nigeria, he appealed that intensified measures must be put in place to combat security challenges looming in the country at the moment.

He emphasized that the current crisis in the country has a huge economic setback on businesses including real estate couple with poverty, leading to increase in price of food items which can be traced to inaccessibility to farm lands captured by criminal herdsmen and outrage of bandits.

He expressed that tension in Southern Kaduna has degenerated into more violence than any other forms of communal fighting in recent time, stressing that succession in the former Biafra republic/ fight between Fulani herdsmen/farmer all over the country have given rise to kidnapping in major cities and villages.

Emmanuel Okas called for multifaceted approach from stakeholder, government to reinvent and rearrange the entire security design and government machinery to tackle insecurity in the nation.

He also urged the government to reconstruct the nation’economy by channeling more resources to real estate and infrastructure.

He stressed further, that, the country has depend on crude oil which accounts for which over 83per cent of the country’s total export earnings, stressing that Nigeria’s economy is likely going through a setback in crude oil priced & production.

He said the NIESV joined eminent organization, individual in many cities, across and beyond to congratulated, the director general, of World Trade Organization, Dr. Okonjo-Iweala (WTO) for her latest appointment.

He lauded President Muhammadu Buhari on the appointment of new service chiefs and urge them to see their appointment as pure service to the nation, and employ all legitimate tactics to resolved the insecurity situation in the county.

He also appealed to government to come up with  helpful policies to stimulate and invite private sector participation in housing delivery.

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