
Ikenne Obaship tussle crisis persists leaving four injured



…No fresh attacks on Sunday — Police

Bankole Taiwo, Abeokuta

The crisis over Ikenne Remo Obaship tussle since last Friday persisted on Sunday morning as the loyalists of one of the claimants to the throne, Yomi Odeneye and supporters of the incumbent traditional ruler of the town, Oba Adeyinka Onakade were said to have allegedly clashed again.

This is coming on the heels of statement from the Spokesman of the state police command over the weekend, DSP Abimbola Oyeyemi saying that the police had arrested six people in connection with the crisis.

One of the residents of the town who spoke with our Correspondent on Sunday under anonymity, however said that, loyalists of Yomi Odeneye allegedly attacked supporters of Oba Onakade again vandalising their vehicles and residential houses.

This development was said to have made residents of the town to be scampering for safety as none wished to be caught in the crossfire.

The Spokesman of the state police command, DSP Abimbola Oyeyemi however told our Correspondent that there was never a report of a fracas on Sunday as the combined security team including the soldiers and the police had put the situation under control since Saturday.

Oyeyemi said that “I just called one of the people involved not long ago and I was told that normalcy had since returned to the town. All our men deployed to the town are still there including the soldiers, so I can tell you that the situation is now under control, since Saturday, there has no report of any fresh attacks.”

In a statement on Saturday, Ogun State police command said that it has arrested six susspects for unleashing terror on residents of the town over protracted Obaship tussle which is presently a subject  of litigation in court.

Crisis was said to have rocked the town on Friday 5th of March, 2021 following the decision of Oba Onakade to celebrate a traditional festival known as “Jabajaba,”  towards which a town crier was sent  round the community for the preparatory rites.

This was said not to have gone down well with the opposing side who allegedly attacked the town crier and seized the gong. They also accused the Oba of trying to forcefully fence off a piece of land where traditional  rites are  performed in the town.

This was said to have led to a fracas between the two parties, following which the two sides suffered some injures and some homes damaged.

The police disclosed further that its Sagamu Area Commander was said to have quickly deployed some officers to the area and brought the situation under control.

The Commissioner of Police, CP Edward Awolowo Ajogun who was in the town on Saturday for on-the-spot assessment and peace talk was said to have met separately with the two opposing sides, warned them to eschew violence and follow the due process of the law to resolve their differences.

While the CP and his entourage were still on the peace mission within the town, information was received that  some people suspected to be hired thugs and Agbekoyas, popular Yoruba  hunters’  group, were shooting sporadically in retaliation against their properties allegedly damaged, and in the process, injured about four people.

The CP there and then ordered that they should be chased and brought to book.

Six amongst them, namely: Olasunkanmi Enigbokan, Oluwashina Kafisanwo, Olusegun Odukoya, Lawal Adebayo, Suraju Animashun and Qudus Mabadeje were arrested with dangerous weapons and assorted charms and have confessed to the offence.

Meanwhile, the injured persons have been taken to the hospital and are responding positively to treatment.

The police said, “it is pertinent  to note that no death is recorded contrary to rumour being peddled around.”

The Commissioner of Police was said to have ordered the immediate transfer of the suspects to state criminal investigation and intelligence department for discreet investigation and prosecution.

He  has further warned that anybody caught with offensive weapons or attempting to harm any person or destroy any property will be dealt with decisively.

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