Ibadan Explosion: The need for collaboration between govt, industry, civil society in regulating mining sector

The recent explosion in Ibadan, caused by illegal mining activities, has once again highlighted the urgent need for the Nigerian government to regulate the mining sector.

It is disheartening to see how many lives must be lost before the authorities take action to protect the people and the environment from this ongoing menace.

Recall that the devastating explosion occurred on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, in the Bodija area of Ibadan, the historic capital of Oyo State. Its impact was so powerful that it reverberated throughout the entire city, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Four houses were completely destroyed, while 10 others suffered severe damage. Numerous private and public buildings were also shattered by the force of the blast. Reports indicate that all houses within a 500-meter radius were affected to varying degrees, with over 100 others within a 2,000-meter radius experiencing minor damage.

Even buildings located at a considerable distance, such as the state secretariat and the University College Hospital (UCH), were not spared from the destruction. The explosion originated from a fire that broke out in one of the residential houses, which was later discovered to be a hideout for illegal miners who had stored a significant amount of explosives there.

The Oyo State Government has confirmed that five people lost their lives in the incident, while 77 others sustained injuries. Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State has also revealed that the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) estimated that 58 buildings were damaged by the blast.

It is alarming to note that the illegal miners claimed to have approvals from the federal government, further emphasising the urgent need for a thorough investigation and the prosecution of those responsible.

It is high time that the Nigerian government takes decisive action to regulate the mining sector and prevent further tragedies like this from occurring.

The lives of Nigerian citizens should not be put at risk due to the negligence and illegal activities of a few individuals. Stricter regulations, enforcement, and oversight are essential to ensure the safety of both the people and the environment.

The government must work towards creating a comprehensive framework that includes licensing, monitoring, and regular inspections of mining operations.

Additionally, there should be strict penalties for those found engaging in illegal mining activities or storing explosives without proper authorisation.

It is crucial to prioritise the safety and well-being of the Nigerian people and protect the environment from the harmful effects of unregulated mining practices.

The recent explosion in Ibadan should serve as a wake-up call for the authorities to take immediate action. Nigerian lives should not be sacrificed in the pursuit of profit.

It is time to put an end to this menace and ensure that the mining sector operates within the confines of the law, with the safety of the people and the environment as top priorities.

Former Deputy Governor Chief Iyiola Oladokun, who was affected by the blast, shared his harrowing experience of being rendered homeless. He described how the explosion destroyed their home, forcing them to evacuate immediately. Thankfully, he and his wife were unharmed, but the incident has left them traumatised.

Tragically, another victim of the explosion was a returnee from the United Kingdom who had planned to start a new life in his hometown.

His untimely death serves as a reminder of the need for improved intelligence and surveillance in the country. The fact that such a large quantity of explosives could be stored in a residential area without detection raises serious concerns about the effectiveness of security agencies.

The responsible agencies must be held accountable for their failure to prevent this tragedy. It is crucial that they enhance their performance and take proactive measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Also, citizens should play an active role in intelligence gathering by reporting any suspicious activities or individuals to the authorities.

Illegal mining is a pressing issue in Nigeria, posing significant threats to the environment, public health, security, and the economy. It is imperative that the government takes decisive action to address this problem and protect its citizens.

Nigeria, a land rich in resources, has suffered a staggering loss of N16.25 trillion due to the scourge of illegal mining.

This illicit activity has not only drained the nation’s coffers but has also fueled a dark web of criminality, including the proliferation of explosives, banditry, and human trafficking.

While we commend the Federal Executive Council for taking action by establishing a committee to review the laws governing the control of explosives, it begs the question of why such a crucial measure was not implemented earlier.

The damage caused by illegal mining could have been mitigated if proactive steps had been taken.In addition to the committee’s objectives, it is imperative that the government strengthens the capacity and coordination of relevant agencies.

The Ministry of Mines and Steel Development, the Nigeria Police Force, the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, and the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency must be empowered to enforce mining laws and regulations effectively.

Furthermore, stringent measures should be put in place to monitor and control the use of explosives across the country.

To address this multifaceted issue, the legal and institutional framework for the intelligence and security sector must be bolstered. Collaboration and cooperation among various intelligence and security agencies are crucial to avoid duplication, conflict, or gaps in their operations and responsibilities.

The active involvement of citizens and civil society is equally vital. Awareness and sensitisation programs should be established, along with feedback and reporting mechanisms. Whistleblowers and informants must be protected, ensuring their rights and interests are safeguarded.

Let us make a solemn vow that this devastating blast will be the last. Together, we can reclaim our nation’s resources, protect our people, and build a future where illegal mining is nothing but a distant memory.

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