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Sometimes,  we can be fooled by things that appear real but rob us of joy and hope. At some point, one will discover that false hope has made this life so dry and difficult. You may want to give up. You may feel that there is no way forward and that you will die in that dry place of hopelessness.

I may be described as an orator, vocal, very blunt and fearless politician or person, but those who study me very well would give a perfect description of me as someone who will never disrespect any elder or rush to react in the heat of any provocation.

The most recent of this reference is how I maintain my calmness in the heat of orchestration between Governor Oyetola and his predecessor. The best I could do is to become an apostle of peace.

The recent APC National Assembly primary election in Osun State has come and gone, the long-awaited result would eventually come, no matter the tricks at play mode.

Let me be quick to place on record that I have done what I know to be the most civilized way to register my displeasure. I have joined those other aspirants who shared my feelings and came up with a joint petition and submitted the same to the state to bring to the public the way and manner of the process adopted which to me stand condemned. I would want to openly align with every content of the petition. Never shall I be involved in any act of violence or engage in any act of friction that could jeopardize our dear society. I recognise the fact that I am being watched and I’m indeed a mentor to many.

I shall be waiting to see if the party would ignore the grievances as listed in the petition and go ahead to announce the winner. This would not surprise me in anyway.

I, Hon Rotimi Makinde, would be ready to congratulate and ready to work with the likely winner and I am so prepared to renew my energy to work for the reelection bid of Mr Governor. This I shall, however, do with plenty of caution with serious intention to consider the safety of my life as the topmost priority. My vote and my endorsement, he would continue to enjoy.

I have seen enough of deception, acts of violence and much that contravened my principle and this also includes a lack of respect for my religious faith and above all variances with my principle of peace and commitment which to me is not in the overall interest of my people, I shall, however, cross my fingers and begin to play more of “sidon Look” like Late Bola would say in circumstances such as this we found ourselves as a party.

I hope no one would accuse me of anti-party because of my “sidon look” posture even with my utmost determination to vote, campaign and encourage all my family and supporters to continue to stand firm for Mr Governor and my party, APC, in the forthcoming election by July 16th 2022.

APC is my party! APC shall remain my party though.
If however i need to review my relationship with the party.It will come by way of press conference and i hereby advice the puplic to ignore any rumour.

Hon Rotimi Makinde

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