I am overwhelmed with personal projects —Dele Momodu tells individuals seeking financial aid

Renowned celebrity Publisher, Bashorun Dele Momodu, has opened up on the reason he is unable to offer financial aid to individuals seeking his assistance.

In a post on his Instagram page, Momodu said he’s overwhelmed by his own projects that required him to be absolutely disciplined and focused.

Using the Almighty as his witness, the publisher said he’s overwhelmed by his own projects that required him to be absolutely disciplined and focused.

He, however, prayed for those who genuinely needed help that God would meet them in their time of need.

“SINCERE APOLOGIES… It has become necessary for me to offer apologies to those who have asked me for one support or the other in recent times for my inability to help. God is my witness, I’m currently overwhelmed by my own projects that require absolute discipline and focus. I pray that God will help me to be able to bless those who genuinely need help,” he stated.

To those whose phone calls he’s been ignoring, Momodu explained that his action showed how deeply he’s pained not to be of help, adding that it’s a sign of respect for them.

He also declared that his income remains modest and always tries not to overstretch his luck to please anyone.

“If I have not picked your call, it is because I feel too pained to say NO to you. It is a sign of my respect for you, and not of disdain.

“I’m a man of modest income and I always try not to overstretch my luck. I wish for your kind understanding at this difficult moment,” Momodu concluded.

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