How pastor, wife settled marriage failure after bitter infidelity

By Bayonle Adegbola.

Issues of marital obligations have remained topical in the discourse of marriage relationship. Failure of either of the parties contracted in a marriage or some instances both parties, have constituted grounds for which bitter but enticing stories have become rife. However, these subjects have formed instances for which marriage counselors have extracted citations for teachings and counselling.

Obligations in this regard may span across facets of the marriage including obligations of various responsibilities to marital conjugations. The stories of failure of commitment to marital consummation have been of deep sides that in extreme cases have led to collapse of some marriages.

One mild case of such lag in commitment is the narratives of a man, Sunday Adeyemi (not real name). Adeyemi who happened to be a pastor married a banker as wife  and they lived in Ogun State, Ifo Local Government Area, South West of Nigeria. His wife who used to go out in the morning comes back in the night all in the name of bank work. Bank work was also the excuse for not performing her kitchen duty, at the same time denying her husband (pastor) sex all the while.

It was said that when the man would tell his banker wife to let them make love as husband and wife that they are, she would insist no to sex with him.

Meanwhile, they employed a female house help who would go about doing the house work for them and be paid for it.

As time went on, the pastor who couldn’t continue with that situation anymore in his home decided to call this house help one day and narrated the way his banker wife had been treating him by not giving him bedroom attention most time in the home.

When the female house help listened to the ordeal, she felt sorry for him and along the line, she entered a secret affair with her without his wife knowing.

One day, his banker wife left for work in the morning of that day, but forgot something at home which she came back to pick. Upon getting into the room, their matrimonial home, she caught her husband, the pastor having sexual intercourse with the house help.

Immediately, she paid her off and sacked her. After that, they began to live on as man and his wife and the man suspected his wife would use it against him, so he humbly apologised for his infidelity over times.

While begging her for forgiveness, the woman said no, it was all her fault.  From that moment, she turned a new leaf in her matrimonial home by attending to her  husband’s needs in the bed and other house chores.

They chose not to make an ugly scene from the incident but solved the problem between themselves with counsellors. Both parties learnt from their failures and adjusted and are still living happily till today.

On the part of the wife, her words was “it is a foolish wife who destroys her home with her hand while the wise one keeps it safe against destruction.”

From the husband, his part is to show much commitment in love to sustain the marriage, while closing his eyes from temptations driven by caution and discipline.

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