Hon. Ajibola Famurewa, Osun SUBEB Chair, a committed achiever

Abimbola Abatta, Osogbo

“Having realised education is a cardinal programme of Oyetola-led government; it’s our resolve as an agency to stay committed to the new policy regime with a view to reshaping and rejigging the education sector for our upcoming generation.”

Those were the words of Honourable Israel Ajibola Famurewa last year June following his appointment as the Executive Chairman of Osun State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB).

Even before he became Osun SUBEB chairman, Famurewa had achieved a lot in the renovation of several blocks of classrooms, provision of free remedial classes for secondary school students, and organisation of competitions among students.

In his name, various educational materials, teaching aids and laboratory equipment were distributed to no less than 30 schools.

Honourable Famurewa, a two-term Member of the House of Representatives, was a member of the House Committee on Basic Education who has empowered thousands of youths in different professional training programmes.

As part of his selfless service to humanity, he has contributed his quota in the area of electricity by providing and installing no fewer than 56 transformers in various Osun communities.

Also a registered engineer and the Director-General of Ilerioluwa Movement in Osun state, Famurewa has provided potable water through modern boreholes to about 52 communities in the state.

Bearing in mind that Famurewa has a wealth of experience as a former member of the House Committee on Basic Education, Osun State Governor, Gboyega Oyetola appointed him to fortify the education sector as the chairman of SUBEB.

The former lawmaker is conscious of the fact that education is the bedrock upon which all other social structures are built.

He knows fully well that education has necessitated the need to structure it based on quality background and value system.

When he became the SUBEB Chairman, he avowed that the state SUBEB would leave no stone unturned in ensuring that quality education is a cardinal programme of the present administration.

To this effect, he endorsed the education policies that were reviewed by the Oyetola-led government, noting that SUBEB is not meant to checkmate the policies of the past administration but to consolidate and reinforce them to boost education in the state.

Within Famurewa’s short stay in office, donors have distributed learning materials such as textbooks to public and private students as part of the efforts to enhance the education sector.

Under his leadership, SUBEB organised a 2-Day induction training Workshop for Local Government Education Secretaries to equip them with the necessary tools for laying a  solid educational foundation for students in the state.

In addition, due to the standard and quality projects in the area of basic education in Osun, members of the House of Representatives  Committee on Basic Education have lauded the government for giving priority to basic education.

Through Famurewa’s intervention,

Osun state was commended for utilising the federal government’s matching grant in the provision of infrastructure and instructional materials for students as well as capacity-building programmes for teachers.

Also in his capacity as the SUBEB Chairman, Honourable Famurewa averred that the government would place merit above nepotism in the recruitment of teachers.

This underscores the fact that the state teachers’ recruitment exercise places a premium on professionalism, expertise, and refined competence and the changes that confront the education sector.

Despite the harsh impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the paucity of funds in the state, the Board has awarded 169 contracts for construction, renovation, sanitation, provision of instructional equipment and furniture.

The SUBEB Chairman had recently revealed that many of these projects have attained completion and are now in use, while some are awaiting official commissioning by the state governor.

He has always maintained that “the intervention spread is based on the situational relevance and expediency of the needs of the people and community.”

This is in furtherance of the message of inclusive governance preached by the current government which aims to fulfil the yearnings of citizens and residents of Osun.

It is noteworthy to state that  students’ performance and character profile are better monitored through the symbiosis of the Osun Education Quality Assurance and Morality Enforcement Agency and the Osun SUBEB.

They remain critical stakeholders in ensuring the enforcement of minimum standards in the environment needed for learning and teaching to take place.

It should be noted that the present management of Osun SUBEB came on board in June 2020 to improve the education infrastructure, recruit, and train teachers; see to their welfare, and take disciplinary measures against teachers who violate the regulatory rules.

Not only that but the agency is responsible for the provision for teacher development, reduction of socio-cultural barriers, making education both accessible and affordable, ensuring flexible programmes for children from nomadic communities; and introduction of social welfare measures.

From the foregoing, Osun SUBEB under the leadership of Ajibola Famurewa has proven its mettle through its commitment to raising the bar of education in Osun State.

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