Homosexual rude awakening
The only reason you are reading this article is because it involved a homosexual relationship between the son of a local Pentecostal church lady pastor and another young man in her church with whom her son went to school all their lives, including the same secondary school and boarding school and have had countless sleep overs in all those years. No one suspected anything can be wrong between two male friends who grew up together and are always found in each other’s company or bedrooms, day or night.
It was rude awakening for the lady pastor to wake up early one morning on 01/12/2024, to call her son and his friend to join the family in early morning prayer at 5:30am, only to find Gabriel Kunle having anal sex profusely with the Pastor’s son Temitayo. These are no longer young boys at all. They are grown men in early to their mid-twenties.
The enraged and shocked mother raised an alarm and chaos ensued with a lot of shouting screaming, cursing, casting out demons, rebuking the devil, whilst shoving, slapping, hitting at and dragging Gabriel and Temmy &Temidayo) naked all around the floor all the way to the outside on the street. Nothing excites Nigerians to gather as a mob in a frenzy than screams of; “Homosexuals! Homosexuals!! Shame on you and similar outbursts. Nothing can placate the broken mother who squarely blames Gabriel Kayode as the leading light, the chief corrupter, the devil’s child who ensnared Temmy as he is not from an affluent family like Temmy, the pastor’s kid.
Mark Gregston, an author, speaker, radio host, and the founder and director of ‘Heartlight’, a counselling facility for struggling teens located in Longview, Texas, gave a view about how to handle the topic of homosexuality within the church by saying: “Start the conversation early, and keep it going. Your son or daughter’s view on homosexuality will not change or solidify through a single conversation. It could take a year, or ten years! This will most certainly be an on-going dialogue. The discussion regarding homosexuality is not a one-and-done deal. Keep it going and keep it current and honest.”
He also suggested When talking with your teen about homosexuality, here are some additional tips to help the conversation stay positive:
Don’t overreact! It may happen that your teenage son or daughter comes to you with the news that they are gay or lesbian. If you think this would never happen to you, talk to the parents of other gay or lesbian children. You’ll find out they used to think the same thing. Or maybe your teenager simply doesn’t agree with your view on homosexuality. In either case, you may feel sad or hurt, but don’t react with anger, or blame, or condemnation. Your teen needs to know they are safe and loved, regardless of their lifestyle choices or beliefs.
Don’t be judgmental! Don’t use homosexuality as a put-down. Refrain from denigrating those who are gay or lesbian. Avoid sweeping judgments about the homosexual community. Such comments and actions will only push your kids away and make it even more difficult for you to have a meaningful conversation with them about the subject.
Don’t be afraid to reference the Bible! Scripture doesn’t change. Its words and guidelines are just as relevant today as they were yesterday. So in your conversations with your teen, don’t be afraid to use the Bible, not as a weapon, but as a foundation for your beliefs. But make sure you dig into the text on your own ahead of time. You don’t want to be caught unawares because you misinterpreted a passage.
I suspect all of the above insight is too late for the parents of both Gabriel Kayode Ayandile and Temitayo Badmus. The truth is that both of these boys have been let down in that no-on, not the lady pastor, Elders or other believers ever spoke to these children about homosexuality, lesbianism and what it means to be gay of transgender person.
The children only glean their definition of being gay or not being gay from the internet or from their friends. For most children, the parents never cover the topic of sex beyond screams or threats lie; ‘Don’t have sex before marriage’ or similar sentiments. At which point their sons and daughters have been having all kinds of sex and in all kinds of places already. It is always a case of medicine applied far too late.
The question is: Are you talking to your children about sex in general, heterosexual sex, homosexual sex, oral sex or anal sex or any other sex you know exist? If you don’t inform your children yourself, somebody else will do it for you. So, don’t be surprised if your precious son one day say; ‘I am gay’ or your precious daughter say: ‘I am a lesbian.’
So, wake up O ye sleeping parents, I’d say.
Our press team went to interview Gabriel Kunle Ayandipe but were told he fled to the United Kingdom on the 12th of December instant. Clever bagger! Now, he is free to keep on sleeping with as many British men as he wants to. In the UK sex is free for all. No parents to monitor or object. There are no policemen to arrest, question or deter you. The United Kingdom is a homosexual’s paradise.
Human Dignity Trust reported saying: “Same-sex sexual activity is prohibited under the Criminal Code Act and the Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act 2013 (SSMPA), which between them criminalise acts of ‘carnal knowledge against the order of nature’, ‘gross indecency’, same-sex unions, and LGBT advocacy. These provisions carry a maximum penalty of fourteen years’ imprisonment. Both men and women are criminalised under the law. Same-sex sexual activity is also criminalised at the state level through Sharia law, under which the maximum sentence is death by stoning. In addition to potentially being captured by laws that criminalise same-sex activity, trans people may also face prosecution under state level Sharia laws.
The laws criminalising ‘carnal knowledge against the order of nature’ and ‘gross indecency’ were inherited from the British during the colonial period, in which the English criminal law was imposed upon Nigeria. Nigeria retained these provisions upon independence, and further criminalised LGBT people through the adoption of the SSMPA in 2013. At the state level, the northern states criminalise same-sex sexual activity through an interpretation of Sharia law.
There is substantial evidence of the law being enforced in recent years, with LGBT people being frequently subject to arrest, individually or en-masse, often accompanied by police violence and brutality. There have been consistent reports of discrimination and violence being committed against LGBT people in recent years, including assault, mob attacks, harassment, extortion, and the denial of basic rights and services.” [https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/nigeria/]
The question is this; Has Gabriel Kunle Ayanipe got away scot free or is the Nigerian government and Nigerian police planning to do something about him and others like him?
Afterall the law has been broken. Has it not?
That my people, is the million-dollar question.
By Tolulope Davsilva