Homosexual: Father declares son wanted

A retired soldier, Adesiyan Anthony, has declared his son, Anthony, wanted over his homosexual escapade which has brought shame to him and his entire family.

The worried father who has been searching for his homosexual son since the beginning of this year said despite several interventions, counseling and prayers, his son refused to desist from the despicable act.

While speaking to journalists, the retired soldier said he will use every means possible to bring his son to justice if he steps into the country.

He said he would never allow his offspring to engage in such an immoral act, hence, the need to declare him wanted in order to face the law.

He, however, called on Nigerians both home and in diaspora who know his whereabouts to notify him or security agencies for appropriate action.

He said “due to Anthony Adeyemi’s unlawful act, my son has decided to run away; the entire family is seriously searching for him.”

According to him, “We have counselled, prayed, encouraged him to desist from such immoral acts but he chose to disgrace and embarrass the family.

“My name has been dented in my community as people gossip about my family due to the wayward behaviour of Anthony. We used to be a respected family in my community, but since the news of my son’s homosexuality got to the streets, we have been ridiculed in several ways and I have to put an end to it.

“Whoever knows his whereabouts should inform me or notify relevant security agencies in order to stop this immoral act in our society,” he stated.

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