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Hello Fashionable! Happy International Women’s Month

By Chidinma Promise

In today’s Article, we’re going to be looking into what fashion means this season. Typically, a lot of fashion personnel or institution would define Fashion as an art, the art of emotional illustration through fabric/clothing. I say it is also a patterned expression of one’s state of mind, a fabric like window to the soul.

Fashion in 2020 could be described as jaw breaking mixed with a necessity of safety. The emergence of conscious safety as we all probably know, originated from the birth the COVID-19 global virus.

In 2021, the impact, although still existing, varies and can be categorized based on societal stratification: Many individuals of the average society seem to be exhausted from having to put up with all the discomfort that comes with always wearing a nose mask to go by their day to day activities while most personas of the high class society buy greatly into the newly adapted need for a nose mask, so much so that a recent movie premier of ‘La Femme Anjola,’ produced by Rita Dominic and Mildred Okwo, which took place at Ebony Life Place on Monday the 18thof March, 2021 was dress themed ‘Masked monochrome couture.’

One cannot help but wonder if this as a result of the knowledge that they are more likely to get exposed to the virus because they are opportuned to travel more or come in contact with non-Nigerian individuals more, compared to the average man OR wearing of a matching nose mask is slowly becoming a fashion statement: From the suit like matching color attire crowned with a black nose mask and hand glove worn by Michelle Obama and Barrack Obama to the inauguration ceremony of the US President, Joe Biden to the appearance of the ever-stunning Jennifer Lopez in a white similar concept crowned with a white nose mask to the adaptation of a ‘Masked monochrome couture’ for the premier of ‘La Femme Anjola’ to the mass production of event attires/costumes with stylish/statement like nose masks by reputable fashion brands.

Stating of all the above is a means to remind you ever fabulous fashionables that COVID-19 is still very much active in the business of infecting people and to avoid being put in a position of struggling between life and death, where fashion doesn’t reside, you need to always go out with your nose mask worn over your nose(most especially in a crowded environment) not underneath your jaw/chin. If you’re concerned that it’ll downplay your look to a job interview, event or if you just look forward to being among the billionaires, get matching nose masks, beautified ones and you are sure to be A-Okay(To eliminate stories of how you forgot to leave your house with one, leave one nose mask in your most used corporate bag, leisure bag and turn up bag).

Wherever you cannot go with your nose mask and a mini hand sanitizer, borrowing the words of Skiibii, the Nigerian musician, DON’T GO ANYWHERE.

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