He is coming back again

Behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give unto every one according to his deed. ( Rev. 22  vs. 12 – 13 )

Beloved, the believers of our time tend to ignore the significance of the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as most of them are not preparing for it at all. Some even said, “He is not coming again.’  What a heresy! This last stage of Jesus’ assignment must not be taken with levity as we have been warned in the scripture because what we are going to lose is great, eternal life.

Being conscious of His second coming would make us amend our ways to please Him so that we shall not be found wanting on the day of his appearance.

The main text, Revelation 22 vs.12 – 13, draws our attention to the following :

  1. The second coming of Jesus Christ is imminent and certain.

Jesus Christ assured the believers that His second coming is certain, adding that all eyes would see Him but not all would have the opportunity to be where He has gone to prepare for us ( Matt 7 vs. 21). He further mentioned some of the events that would take place before His arrival, most of which we have started experiencing today. ( Mathew 24 vs. 3 -51). The main thing that must happen before His arrival is in verse 14 of the same chapter. His disciples also confirmed to be true his messages about his second coming.

  1. Everything does not end in this world

Jesus Christ made us understand that death is not the end of man in this world. There is still hope of reigning with Him after death. God made man a little lower than the angels ( Hebrews 2 vs. 6-7, Psalm 8 vs. 4-9)), but we still have the opportunity to be transformed into ministering spirits like them ( Luke 20 vs. 35 – 36). That is, we shall be of equal status with them if we live a holy and righteous life in this world. That everlasting life opportunity that was lost in the garden of Eden shall be restored to those who make heaven after His second appearance ( Mark 12: 25).

  1. There is a reward for doing good and evil

If we who are mortal know how to reward those who have performed excellently well in good works in life with awards,  how much more God! There is a reward for our actions and deeds from God in this world and after we have died. The way a righteous man would be addressed on the last day would be different from that of a sinner ( Math 25 vs.21, Matt. 7 vs. 23). Joseph was adequately compensated by God for failing to commit adultery with Potiphar’s wife in Egypt. He became the second in command to the king in the land and God also made him to be a father to pharaoh ( Gen. 45 vs. 8). He dwelt in the most fertile place in the land in his lifetime and he also made heaven.

  1. There is a record of everything we do in this world be it good or bad

Jesus Christ wants us to be conscious of the fact that whatever we do in this world is taken note of by our heavenly father, be it good or bad. This will make us amongst other things eschew evil. Remember, when David slept with Uriah’s wife, God knew and immediately sent Prophet Nathan to him. He was not spared, although, he was forgiven ( 2 Samuel 12 vs. 1-13). Jesus also told the Samaritan woman, who was also busy committing adultery, the number of husbands she had been with. She was shocked and eventually became saved ( John 4 vs. 16 – 19). In addition, when the sons of Eli, the Priest, were misbehaving (Samuel 2 vs.12), God called Samuel and told him everything his master’s sons were doing, and the consequences of their actions.      (1 Samuel 3 vs. 8 – 18).

  1. Stewardship is inevitable

No one shall be exempted from the judgment seat of Christ due to their status or position in this world and there shall be no form of favoritism on the judgment day. We shall all be equal indeed before the law as against what operates in this world ( 2 Corinthians 5 vs. 10). The sinners and the righteous shall stand before the judgment seat of the Lord to give an account of their deeds. In the parable of the talents, all the servants rendered an account of what they have done with their master’s talent ( Matt. 25 vs. 14 – 30). You will also do likewise one day. Be prepared.

  1. Sinners shall be separated from the righteous.

The sinners and the righteous shall not cohabit in the same place again as it is now. Sinners shall be in hell while the righteous shall reign with Christ. In the Book of Matthew 13 vs. 30, the Bible made us understand that the tares are the sinners and the wheat are those that do the will of God. During harvest, which means, on the last day, the tares/ weeds and the wheat shall be separated. Also, in the parable of the ten virgins, the five wise virgins were separated from the five foolish ones ( Mathew 25 vs. 1 – 13). Be wise.

  1. Those who are alive shall have the opportunity to witness physically the second coming of our Lord and Saviour

The main text also gives credence to what is written about the second coming of Jesus Christ in the book of  Act 1 vs. 10 – 11, Mathew 24 vs. 30, and Revelation 1 vs. 7 . Believers must beware of people who do not believe that Jesus Christ came to this world in human form because they are deceivers and antichrists ( 2 John 1 vs. 7 ). These types of people will never believe in His second physical appearance and rapture. The Prophets and Apostles also warned believers to beware of them. (2 Peter 3 vs. 1-4, 8-10).

Beloved, the day of reckoning is at hand. Don’t die in your sin. Repent before it is too late. Your salvation hour is now and it must not be delayed anymore. Whatever will hinder you from reigning with Christ in heaven must be avoided. If you die in your sins, you will lose eternity. That will not be your portion in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Remain blessed.

Written by Evangelist Alatise. S . O

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