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Gov. Matawalle’s defection a pointer to APC victory in 2023- Kaduna speaker



Alhaji Yusuf  Zailani, Speaker of Kaduna State House of Assembly, says the defection of Gov. Bello Matawalle of Zamfara to All Progressives Congress (APC) is a pointer  towards the party’s victory in 2023.

Zailani said this in a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mr Ibrahim  Danfulani in Kaduna on Wednesday.

“Our great party is already making huge gains ahead of 2023 general elections with the defection of Gov. Bello Matawalle, lawmakers and the collapse of the entire PDP structure in the state,” he said.

Zailani congratulated Matawalle for moving to APC, saying it was long overdue.

He charged the people to rally round the governor to enable him take the state to a greater heights, with his movement into the progressive fold.

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We’re only fighting predators — Fubara tells Senate C’ttee



…Fingers pro-Wike protesters on hotel bomb blast

By Barth Ndubuwah, Port Harcourt

Rivers State Governor, Sir Siminalayi Fubara, has said that he is not fighting anybody, but rather defending the State against predators and protecting supporters of the interest of Rivers State against those who feel that they own the life of others.

He said that the failed attempt to detonate an explosive device at the Hotel Presidential, a five star hotel in Port Harcourt, was a deliberate ploy to strengthen the call for a state of emergency by haters who he said want to undermine the State to achieve their evil plans.

Governor Fubara made the assertion on Wednesday when he received a delegation of the Senate Committee on Privatisation and Commercialisation, led by its Chairman, Sen Orji Uzo Kalu, who paid him a courtesy visit  in Port Harcourt .

The Governor explained that some youths were hired to engage in a protest to demand for extension of tenure of former local government chairmen who have served out their statutory three-year tenure.

Governor Fubara said the protesters and their sponsors were aware that some honourable members of the National Assembly were guests at the Hotel Presidential, which is why they attempted to detonate an explosive device near the facility in order to give reason to support the call for state of emergency when the matter is raised at plenary, but they failed.

“As a matter of fact, let me tell you, I know  everything that is happening. Yesterday (Tuesday), they (protesters) were aware that you are in the State. So, there was an attempt to create a serious problem.

“In fact, there was a plan to detonate dynamite at the Hotel Presidential because you people were there. But this God that we serve, it happened that the man who was trying to do it detonated it, but just a few seconds after, it blew his hands off.”

“The idea was that as you were hearing about the state of emergency, it will be so that by the time they finish, when you return to have your sitting tomorrow (Thursday), the debate will be from somebody from this State who called you people to tell you not to come. He will now raise the issue of state of emergency, and say after all, distinguished colleagues saw it happen while you were in Rivers State, that you saw what happened.

“But you see, when you are with God, even your own child who is planning evil, will go and tell somebody that, God is with this man because he is clean, this is what my father is planning. That is what is keeping us in this State,” the Gov explained.

The Rivers State Governor said he wondered why it seems that the law is silent or inactive to take its course over offenders because somebody appears to be bigger than the law on the agitation, because there is nowhere in the country where tenure elongation for former local government chairmen has been an issue.

The State Chief Executive pointed out that there is no Governor in Nigeria who can take 10 percent of the abuse rained at him by former local government council chairmen.

Governor Fubara said he has taken those insults and attacks in his stride without going hard at the purveyors because their plan is to distract him, stressing that he has remained focused on delivering good governance and democratic dividends to Rivers people.

“Where on earth can tenure of local government chairmen be elongated? You were a former Governor, was it tried in your time? Even those of you that are Senators here, even in your own states, has anyone tried this before?

“Is it that the Constitution that governs Nigeria is different from the one that operates in Rivers State? These are the very pertinent questions we should ask.

“Why should it be that when it comes to the case of Rivers State, the law is always silent? Is it that there is somebody bigger than Nigeria? That is the question I want you to go back with,”the Governor fumed.

“I tell you, we know everything that is happening, and you know it, everybody knows it. We should be bold enough to look at the face of people and tell them the truth.

“I am not fighting anybody. If I am fighting, people will know that I am fighting. My pattern will change. What we are doing is to defend ourselves. We can’t just fold our hands. Only a tree will be standing and somebody will come and cut it off.

“It doesn’t happen as a human being. If you know that danger is coming, you shift. What we are doing is just to protect ourselves. So, Distinguished Senators, I am not fighting anybody,” he emphasised.

“Somebody thinks or some people feel they own life. I don’t own life. The person who owns life is God. What we are doing here is to serve the people of Rivers State because God has given us this opportunity.

“It doesn’t matter the channel the opportunity came from. But the most important thing is God and nobody takes the place of God in anything,” he added.

The Governor told members of the committee to factor in the interest of Rivers State as they recommend the privatisation and commercialisation of public companies, saying that when the State buys stakes in such companies, it can be protected and supervised to be viable.

“I will also appeal to you that in this process of privatisation, anything that has to do with our own State here that needs to be privatised, the Rivers State Government will be interested.

“Because you can’t come here and own our property when we have the resources to have shares or to acquire some portion of it.

“So, as a committee, if there is anywhere you can support us; if there is anyone that is still available, let us know, and let us get the details so that we can own it.

“It is only when we own it that those assets can be protected. It is only when we own it, that is when those assets become viable to the State, and also become viable to the Federal Republic of Nigeria,” he noted.

In his address, Chairman, Senate Committee on Privatisation and Commercialisation, Senator Orji Uzo Kalu, said they were in Rivers State to carry out oversight duties on some projects under their purview.

Senator Kalu, who is the member representing Abia North Senatorial District, commended Governor Fubara for his love for peace, determination to offer quality governance and keep pace with providing the right climate to engender economic growth to all residents in the State.

The Senate committee chairman also urged the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Nyesom Wike, to sheath the sword, and call his supporters to order as a commitment to fostering peace and putting the interest of the State above all considerations.

“I want to admire Your Excellency, your Deputy and your team for the good things you are doing in the State, but it is good to have peace.

“I want to thank you because you look like a very peaceful man. Your face shows a peaceful man. Your laugh shows a peaceful man. So, I want you to continue in that manner of peace. There is nothing like peace. Let people who are eating with this problem stop eating from it.

“We know that politics has taken its shape. We commend you for what you are doing for the people of your State. I will continue to ask you to focus on the job.

“Leadership is a very big burden. It is not a sweet potato. It is not anywhere where you can see rice and beans. On the street of Rivers, everyone is saying that the Governor and the former Governor are quarrelling.

“We want to plead with you, continue to hold your people back because if your people demonstrate like the other people, we will have a state of anarchy, and it is not good to have anarchy.

“I want to plead with you to abide by the rules of the land. I plead with you to abide by what the Constitution says. I plead with you to also abide by the decisions of the Judiciary. Wait for every judicial interpretation and act on judicial interpretation,” he added.

He pledged the readiness of the committee to work with the State Government to achieve mutually beneficial goals that will advance the interest of all Nigerians, adding that the hardship in the land was already enough of a burden that leaders need to concentrate efforts to address to promote growth and prosperity for all.

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Abia: PDP challenges Otti to produce list of rehabilitated roads



The Abia State Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, has charged Governor Alex Otti to name the 90 roads he said he rehabilitated during his one year in office.

This was contained in a statement signed by the Acting Publicity Secretary of the Abia State PDP, Elder Amah Anraham.

The party urged Otti to name the 90 roads he rehabilitated in one year and to state the cost associated with the road contracts.

They also asked Otti to show proof that due process and the provisions of the Abia Public Procurement Act were followed in the award of the road contracts.

The statement reads; “The attention of the Abia PDP has been drawn yet again to one of the many incorrect and unverifiable claims by Governor Alex Otti, which only serves to perpetuate his Nazi-style propaganda methods meant to confuse and deceive the good people of Abia State.

“This time, Gov Alex Otti claimed to have rehabilitated 90 roads in the last one year, during his last address to Abians.

“The Abia PDP challenges Governor Alex Otti to produce a list of the said 90 roads he rehabilitated and the costs associated with the road contracts, as well as show proof that due process and the provisions of the Abia Public Procurement Act were followed in the award of the contracts.

“The government of Governor Alex Otti has never published the cost of any road except to confirm our information on the Port Harcourt road Aba project  which was re-awarded at the whopping cost of N30b, and that continues to attract public outcry due to its variance with conventional road costs of that nature.

“In this case, we challenge Governor Alex Otti to take a cue from the national leader of the Labour Party, Mr. Peter Obi, on whose back Alex Otti rode to victory, who always says, “Go and verify.

“Governor Alex Otti must release the list so that Abians can verify it. And this is what he must do if he wants Abians to take him seriously.

“It should be recalled that in 2019 candidate Alex Otti confirmed during a debate that he received list of road projects done by Ikpeazu administration, verified independently and confirmed the number and length of the projects.”

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Lagos APC dismisses protest reports, says party has robust dispute resolution mechanism



By Sodiq Adelakun

The All Progressives Congress (APC) in Lagos State has clarified that the alleged protest at the party secretariat on Monday was actually a reconciliatory meeting between different factions in Alimosho local government area, which was infiltrated by thugs with ulterior motives.

The party’s spokesman, Hon Seye Oladejo, stated that the situation was promptly brought under control by security agencies.

Oladejo emphasised that the APC has a time-tested dispute resolution mechanism in place and will not hesitate to take decisive action if necessary.

He commended the security agencies for their swift response and set the record straight, describing the incident as a “storm in a teacup.” The party reassured its members and the public that it remains united and focused on its goals.

He said, “Since the resumption of office of the State Chairman, Hon. Cornelius Ojelabi, he has continuously sought the peaceful co-existence of all party members in every cradle and cranny of the state.

“It is on record that he has, at various times, been able to successfully reconcile warring party members across board to ensure cohesion.

“The incident today was about a meeting convened to reconcile the different factions of the party in the Alimosho local government area which was unfortunately infiltrated by uninvited thugs with ulterior motives.

“The victory of the progressives in Lagos State since the inception of this dispensation has been due to life-changing policies by our responsive and responsible government and strict compliance with party discipline.

“Lagos State APC has a time-tested mechanism for settling disputes and will not hesitate to wield the big stick if need be. The sacrifices of the founding fathers of the party to engender democracy cannot be sacrificed on the altar of indiscipline and intolerance.

“We acknowledge protests as an integral part of democracy, but it has to be within acceptable norms without infringing on the rights of others.”

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