God’s kingdom and his righteousness (Part 2)
Beloved, if truly we are serving a righteous God, the importance of righteousness in the body of Christ cannot be overemphasized and it is under must for us as believers to follow the righteous paths throughout our life time. There are many paths that lead to righteousness and all these paths are made by God for our benefits and for our profitable living on earth and in eternity. God gave us righteous commandments to be followed in the Old Testaments which are still relevant till today (Psalm 119 vs. 172). In fact, Most of the contents in the Ten Commandments are referred to as the works of the flesh in the New Testament (Galatians 5 vs. 16 – 21 KJV). Likewise, most of the sins committed by men today are the ones forbidden in the Commandments of God like murder (Deut. 5 vs.17, 1 John 3:15), stealing (Deut. 5 vs,19), idolatry ( Deut. 5 vs. 3, 1 John 5 vs. 21), adultery (Deut. 5 vs. 18), hatred (1 John 4 vs. 8 & 20) to mention but a few.
Apostle Paul warned the Galatians church (brethren) to abstain from most of the evil acts mentioned in the Commandments because those who do them shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. It is true that we are not justified by the law but if any one goes against the law, such person shall not inherit God’s kingdom. A believer is expected to live above the law by walking in the Spirit of God so as to wage war against flesh and lust (Galatians 6 vs. 8). Christ has not come to abolish the law but to uphold and fulfill it (Matt. 5 vs. 17). In order for us to please God as an individual and as a nation, the good news of God’s Kingdom and His righteousness must be proclaimed at the same time throughout the world. King David preached about God’s righteousness to the people when he was alive (Psalm 40 vs. 9 – 10) likewise Noah (2 Peter 2 vs. 5 KJV). He also made us to know that the commandment of God is exceedingly broad (Psalm 119 vs. 96). Apostle John noted that the commandments of God are not grievous (1 John 5:3) .
1. Populates hell: The easiest way to satisfy the devil is to promote sins and iniquity in the house of God and in a nation. This is possible if the Kingdom of God is sought without His righteousness. Since our Lord Jesus is coming
like a thief in the night, many would be caught unaware and latter become victims of hell.
2. Provokes God’s wrath: nothing provokes God like sin as His eyes cannot behold iniquities. God’s wrath was kindled against Cain for committing murder. He sanctioned King David for committing adultery. He destroyed some of the Israelites for serving idols and carved images made of stones, wood and metals, the hand work of men. He also killed Ananaias and Sapphira for lying against the Holy Ghost (Act 5 vs. 1 – 11). Be warned.
3. Renders our services to God unacceptable: it does not matter the number of times we go to worship God, once we are not conscious of the fact that we have to worship Him in truth, indeed and in righteousness, we have only gone to the house of God to entertain ourselves. God cannot be mocked. True worship brings peace, love ,kindness, in homes and in a nation.
5. The good virtues of God’s words will have no effect in the society: When God’s Kingdom and His righteousness is not preached and imbibed as a life style, the impact of God’s words in the society would not be felt regardless of the number of preachers and places of worship in that nation. There will be no difference between a believer and unbeliever. Jesus said,’ Let your light so shine among men that they may see your good works and glorify your father who is in heaven.’ Being born again, as a believer has its root in righteousness.
6. It breeds workers of iniquity; Jesus Christ said,’ blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled (Mathew 5 vs. 6). This means for you as a believer to be filled with the true Spirit of God, seeking after righteousness is a must and not an option in the Kingdom. If it is not sought after, then the spirit of the devil which breeds workers of iniquities and sins will dwell in you. In a nut shell, the Kingdom of heaven belongs to the righteous because He loves then (Psalm 146 vs. 8, Mathew 5 vs. 10).
7. It brings reproach to us as an individual and as a nation : This is the overall outcome of seeking God’s Kingdom without His righteousness (Proverb 14 vs.34). In addition, the good virtues of righteousness discovered by King David and King Solomon when they were alive would not manifest fully in our lives and country (Psalm 37 vs. 25), ( Proverb 14 vs. 36).
8. Eternity may be lost. Iniquities and sins disqualify a believer from gaining access to God’s Kingdom (Matthew 7 vs. 21 – 27).
Beloved, to fulfill all righteousness, you have to thread the path that Jesus Christ trod when he was on earth. The paths of love, peace, righteousness, absolute loyalty and strict adherence to the dictates of God the father. Zacharias and his wife Elisabeth were also righteous before God because they trod these paths (Luke 1 vs. 5 – 6). Remember, the rich man told Jesus Christ that he has been keeping the law right from the day he was born. He was pleased with his response, adding that the only thing that needed to be done was for him to sell everything he had and then, follow Him. Jesus made him to know that there are other commandments to be fulfilled for his righteousness to be full. He, (the rich man) has to follow Him. This means he must accept Him as his personal Lord and Saviour.
Jesus also told Peter, ‘ follow me‘ and he did, simply because He has the word of eternal life. This same command was again given to Levi, a publican. He complied and even went to call other publicans to hear the word of Christ and they were saved (Luke 5 vs. 27 – 32). Jesus Christ was not bias. He told Levi, the publican, Peter, Andrew, other disciples ( Matthew 4 vs. 18 – 25) and the ‘righteous rich man‘ the same thing. Only the publican and some disciples complied with His simple command. Your righteousness is not full and complete until you follow the Saviour. That is God’s salvation provision for mankind which is not negotiable (1 John 5 vs. 11 – 12).
Apostle John made us to know that it is God’s commandment for us to believe in the name of Jesus Christ (1 John 3 vs. 23 – 24). You can take the step now by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, repent and forsake your sins. Compliment your effort by constantly attending the bible studies and prayer meeting of your church. Peradventure you do not have a place of worship, attend any bible believing church in your vicinity.
Remain blessed