From despair to triumph: Solomon’s unexpected turnaround

By Suliah Lawal

Life was tough for Solomon after he completed his NYSC. Despite his efforts, he couldn’t find a job. 

With four siblings and a mother who had raised them alone after their father’s death, Solomon felt immense pressure. His mother continued to support them even though Solomon was now an adult, a reality that was both humbling and frustrating for him.

One day, Solomon visited Mrs. Simi’s shop, a neighbour’s store, hoping to speak with her about a potential opportunity. He waited for her at her other shop, overhearing a conversation about how money dictates respect and influence. 

This only deepened his feelings of inadequacy. After waiting for a long time without seeing Mrs. Simi, Solomon decided to leave.

When he returned home, his mother noticed his troubled expression. Solomon expressed his frustration over the lack of job success and questioned if he was being lazy. 

His mother advised him to be grateful and hopeful, reminding him that wealth often depends on destiny rather than just hard work.

The next day, Solomon prepared for another job interview. He searched for his mother but couldn’t find her. He stepped outside and saw her carrying a bucket of water on her head. 

Despite her offer to prepare him breakfast, Solomon declined, as he was in a hurry. His mother prayed for him as he left.

On his way to the interview, a lady sitting next to Solomon on the bus accidentally spilled malt on him. Although he was furious and worried about the interview, he couldn’t go back home because of time and limited funds. The lady, feeling guilty, got off the bus at the nearest stop.

When Solomon arrived at the company for the interview, he found a queue of people, with his number being called despite others arriving after him. As he entered the interview room, he was astonished to see that the receptionist was the same lady who had spilled malt on him.

This chance encounter proved fortuitous. Solomon secured the job, which marked a turning point in his life. He was finally able to provide for his family and alleviate their financial struggles, grateful for the unexpected turn of events.

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