
FG warns against sales of relief items



The Federal Government has warned civil servants and beneficiaries of relief items against selling them, stressing that the palliatives were to cushion the effect of economic austerity.

Director-General, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Mrs Zubaida Umar, gave the warning on Monday in Abuja, at the commencement  of distribution of food and non-food items to indigent Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in Karomajiji Village.

Umar noted that the relief items were not meant to compensate them for their losses occasioned by a recent fire disaster in the village but to assist them get back on their feet and return to normal life.

Items distributed included 1,984 bags of  5kg rice, 183 pieces of foam mattresses, and183 pieces of six yards Wax Print for Women.

Other items were 183 pieces of Blankets, and 183 pieces of five yards Guinea Brocade, 183 pieces of Children’s Cloth 183 pieces of Women’s Cloth, 183 pieces of Men’s Cloth.

Also distributed were 183 pieces of 21 litres Plastic Buckets, 183 pieces Plastic Plates, 183 pieces of Plastic Cups, and 183 pieces of plastic spoons.

According to her, these items are not for sale, they are meant to put a smile on the faces of their family members, especially as we prepare to celebrate Eid el Fitr at the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

“Similarly, it is an expression of  the Federal Government’s concern on the welfare and dignity of the people under the leadership of President Bola Tinubu.

“Today’s event underscores the mantra that persons with disabilities do not deserve just pity, what they deserve is support to trigger and activate their latent capacities.

“As the saying goes, behind every disability there is a tremendous ability,” he said.

She sympathised with the recipients on their losses  and urged them to make good use of the items provided.

Umar reiterated NEMA’s commitment to affirming and prioritising the rights and welfare of persons with disabilities.

She emphasised that NEMA’s operations, particularly through the Vulnerable Group Care Unit and the Gender Unit, were designed to ensure that no one was left behind, especially in times of disasters and emergencies.

She expressed NEMA’s commitment to supporting those affected by disasters, especially persons with disabilities, and emphasised the need to activate their latent capacities rather than just offering pity.

NEMA’s intervention was in response to a request from the Executive Secretary, National Commission for Persons Living with Disabilities, Mr James Lalu, following the fire incident in the village.

Lalu in his remarks at the distribution of the relief items, said that the response was timely in view of the economic austerity and Sallah celebration.

He assured the beneficiaries that the government would continue to provide for them and protect them from physical abuse and stigmatisation.

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