FG slams PDP Govs’ call for Tinubu’s resignation as distraction from economic relief efforts

…Focus on the work you were elected for — Mohammed Idris

The Nigerian Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris, has responded to the call for resignation made by the PDP Governors Forum against President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR.

The minister criticised the opposition’s move as a mere distraction from the President’s ongoing efforts to alleviate the economic hardships faced by Nigerians.

According to Minister Idris, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and its governors should focus on supporting the President rather than attempting to undermine his administration through intimidation.

He pointed out that the PDP has been unsuccessful in securing power through democratic means since 2015 and should not disrupt those who are currently implementing the presidential vision mandated by the Nigerian electorate.

The administration of President Tinubu, who succeeded President Muhammadu Buhari, has been noted for its financial support to state governments across party lines. This includes the controversial removal of the petrol subsidy, a policy that was a key point in the PDP’s own presidential campaign. The removal has reportedly increased the revenues for all states, including those governed by the PDP.

Minister Idris emphasised the President’s commitment to continuing the economic reforms initiated by the previous administration. These reforms encompass large-scale infrastructure projects, social welfare programs, military and security enhancements, and efforts to restore Nigeria’s influential position internationally.

The government also claims significant progress in combating Boko Haram and other criminal elements, building on the security successes of the past years.

The statement from the Minister of Information and National Orientation comes as a firm rebuttal to the opposition’s strategy and reaffirms the current administration’s resolve to pursue its economic and security agendas.

According to the statement, “Nigerians have not forgotten that it was the APC administration that cleared several liabilities left behind by the PDP government, such as subsidy claims by oil marketers, Paris Club Refunds, unpaid pensions, gratuities, and salary arrears owed various categories of pensioners from liquidated and existing State-Owned Enterprises.

“Major oil sector reforms that the PDP touted for years but could not deliver – passage of the PIB, new refineries, as well as the revamp of existing ones, and so on – are the very real and continuing legacies of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC).

“All of these have been accomplished without access to the oil windfall that the PDP government enjoyed for much of the time that it was in power, and also against the backdrop of the most devastating global shock since the Second World War: the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We must continue to state these facts so Nigerians will know where we are coming from, and appreciate what is being done in its full context.”

The statement also expressed confidence in President Tinubu’s ability to tackle the current challenges facing Nigeria.

Idris emphasised that Tinubu would not shy away from his responsibilities and would courageously confront and overcome these challenges, laying the groundwork for a new and prosperous Nigeria.

Idris also acknowledged that Tinubu has been open about the pain caused by ongoing reforms but has consistently assured Nigerians that these reforms are necessary for long-term prosperity and national development.

Addressing the Governors of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Idris urged them to avoid distractions and instead focus on supporting and complementing the hard work of President Tinubu and his administration.

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