FCT resettlement, compensation schemes guided by law – Director

The FCT Administration (FCTA) says its resettlement and compensation scheme at Gyadna community was done in accordance with the law governing the policy.

The FCT Director of Resettlement and Compensation Department, Mrs Perpetua Ohammah, stated  this while fielding questions from journalists on Sunday, in Abuja.

Ohammah said that it was done with a human face and adherence to the rules of engagement as specified by the law governing the policy.

She insisted that the mandate of the territory to restore the Abuja master plan must be respected by all and sundry.

She said the alleged deprivation of compensation in Gyadna community was a cheap blackmail.

She said: “our attention has been drawn to false media reports on compensation in the community.

“Indeed, it is a campaign of calumny and a cheap blackmail propagated by some people who do not want the exercise to continue in line with the provisions of the law.

“To keep the records straight, in 2017, the Federal Capital Development Authority Department of Engineering Services requested the Department of Resettlement and Compensation to assess structures, crops and economic trees (on the right hand side).

“To pay compensations as part of the processes leading to the construction of the Inner Northern Expressway, INEX.

“The authorities further recalled that after the exercise, the beneficiaries and owners of the properties and farmlands who were qualified were adequately paid compensation.

“Out of 37 structures valued, only 15 beneficiaries were recommended and paid as the remaining 22 could not provide the relevant documents and building plan approvals to qualify them for payment.”

Similarly, she said in 2019, assessment of structures, crops, and economic trees (on the left hand side of the INEX) was carried out.

She said a total of 66 structures were assessed while 60 were initially recommended for payment.

“Later on, it was discovered that two people included were not qualified. Approvals were sought and obtained for their monies to be returned to the contractor.

“The remaining 58 were paid compensation. It may be necessary to note here, that during such assessment, all houses are usually documented for possible payment pending verification as some times there may be need for urgent removal,” she said.

The director revealed that only houses belonging to FCT original inhabitants and others who had authentic allocation letters with building plan approvals were eventually paid.



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