FCT minister hails police for efforts to secure Abuja

The FCT Minister Malam Muhammad Bello has commended the men and officers of the Nigeria Police Force for their support to the administration and efforts to secure the territory.

Bello made the commendation at the decoration of some promoted police officers attached to his office, on Thursday in Abuja.

“I want to use this opportunity to thank the men and officers of the Nigeria Police Force across the country, and the FCT in particular, for the support you have been giving to the FCT Administration. And also for the security and efforts you have been making to secure the city.

” Most of the time people get to hear only the sad or the negative stories but I can tell you I am privy to both the negative and the sad stories. And in the FCT Command, most of the times, the good stories are just buried, but I know the kind of work you are doing tirelessly day and night.

“For each robbery the FCT Police Command are able to prevent 10 and for each kidnapping that you see in the newspaper, FCT Police Command must have prevented up to 20.

” Everyday arrests are being made, hardened criminals, drugs peddlers, people of questionable character are also being apprehended.

” But because of the times we are in, sometimes because of the issue of confidentiality and the legal system we operate, most people don’t get to know this,” Bello said.

The minister appealed to Nigerians to appreciate the police and other security agencies and continue to provide them with the needed support as organisations whether public or private.

” Let’s support them, let’s support their families and children and more importantly let’s support them with credible information to curtail the rate of insecurity.”

Bello also appreciated the support of the Inspector General of Police (IGP) and the cooperation that the FCT Administration was enjoying from the FCT Police Command under Bala Ciroma.

Similarly, the minister congratulated the newly promoted police officers attached to his office and urged them to justify the confidence reposed in them.

” On behalf of the FCT Administration it is my honour and privilege to congratulate the officers that have been decorated.

” The results of hard work is more work, you all deserve your new ranks. We have worked closely with you here, including your other colleagues and other officers and men of the Nigeria Police Force in the FCT.

” As a matter of fact there is so much work that you need to do. Having worked with you, I have no doubt that whatever responsibility is assigned to you will be carried out to the best of your ability.”

Earlier, the Commissioner of Police, FCT Command, Bala Ciroma, urged the newly promoted officers to renew their commitment to duty, saying ” more will be expected of you.”

Responding, Ahmed Abdulrasheed, the Chief Security Officer to the minister, who was promoted to the rank of Chief Superintendent of Police, thanked the IGP and the FCT Commissioner of Police for finding him worthy of the promotion.

He pledged to redouble his efforts to discharge his assigned duties diligently with a view to enhancing the credibility of the force.

” Dedication and hard work pays and it has always been my role and character in service and I will do more. The promotion will motivate us to be more effective and will give us new direction, ” he said.


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