Fashion colours and their essence 

By Chidinma Promise

Hello Fashionables!

Ever heard the fashion expression “You dress how you feel”? Well, it is no lie. Consciously or Unconsciously, our mind falls to clothing items that depict its status; this is also illustrated through one’s choice of clothing colour or colours (for individuals who love a good colour blocking combination). In today’s article, we’re going to be dancing through clothing colours and the various meanings they hold and depict.

The soon to be listed colours are going to be aligned based on the principal of most common used to the least used:

Black: This colour ideally depicts Authority. Black is the ultimate go-to everyday clothing color, it hides randomly acquired cloth stains and always leaves you taking on the world fearlessly. This clothing colour also has a way of depicting ‘heavy drama’ when worn as the main and only clothing item therefore it is advised that although it is a good colour to take on a job interview, it should be worn only as complementary clothing items and not the main clothing item.

Blue: This color depicts freshness, peace, loyalty, mystery; an intense appeal and a sense of fashion. This color screams class from a thousand miles away: if you consider yourself a top notch fashionable, check your wardrobe for blue, if it’s missing, your fashion reputation might just be a thing of the mind (even on days when things are not top notch for you mentally, wearing blue might help place your mind in a bright and healthy space, considering the nice compliments it’s going to draw you and other factors)

Red: This colour generally indicates extroversion, passion, energy; a personality type that is determined to live fully, carefree and also exudes a healthy level of sexy. It is one vibrant color that if not managed well can turn out aggressive and for this reason, professionally, it is advised to lay off this colour or tone it down when going for job interviews.

White: Contrary to popular belief/customs the colour white does NOT mean/depict purity. This is because a murderer wearing white does not instantly stop being a murderer and transform into a saint because he/she wears white. This colour instead indicates simplicity, a sense of direction and goodness. It is a friendly colour to the soul but a mentally unsettling colour to be worn in Nigeria most especially in the rainy season and on a normal day; if you’re a public transport user. It is advisable to be worn to job interviews and regular formal occasions or seminars.

Purple: Historically known to depict royalty, purple is one colour that is rich in class and insightful symbolism. It is mostly worn by individuals with a sense of love for art, creativity and imagination. It is ideally suitable for seasonal occasion wears: Like every colour in existence, it comes in different shades so all you need do is find a shade that compliments your shade, dress design and skin tone, puuuurrrfectly.

Yellow: This colour indicates a superior mind. It depicts logic, consistency and bravery. Individuals with shy personality trait don’t do well with the typical shade of yellow as it most times, it screams a level of attention that they are not usually ready to handle. If you’re are a shy person and somehow find yourself drawn to yellow, you’ve probably got a secret curtailed brave you in there somewhere but for now, you can publicly slay in mustard yellow. This is a version of yellow that is not as loud as your typical yellow and has a way of holding a sophisticated feel on every skin tone.

Orange: Statistically discovered to not be a very popular clothing colour choice in Nigeria, Orange is one colour that screams happy, friendly, outgoing and team player. It is a good clothing colour for statement dinner dresses, two-piece suits (Female and Male) and Avant-Garde styles.

Now you know what colour means what and how you can use them to walk your mind into the necessary head space it needs to go about your daily living.

You’re Welcome.

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