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EU delivers 2m doses J&J vaccines to Nigeria

…J&J vaccines donated have two-year expiry date — Hawkins

…A total of 12m doses of J&J vaccines currently in stock — NPHCDA ED

By Gloria Akudoro, Abuja

The European Union has officially handed-over 2 million doses of Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccines donated to Nigeria through Covax at the National Strategic Cold Store, Abuja.

Delivering her keynote address earlier in the week, the EU Ambassador to Nigeria, Samuela Isopi, said the vaccine is a joint donation by Team Europe (Finland, Greece, Sovania and others) who are part of global donation of almost 20 million doses donated by immuned members states to Nigeria via COVAX.

According to her, “Today’s donation signifies the continuation commitment of the European Union and it members states to support Nigeria in it fight against COVID-19 pandemic.

“Today’s donation brings us collectively to reaching the milestone of 500 millions dose delivered by covax with 300 million doses of that from Team Europe, an achievement that’s worth celebrating.

“The European Union has been the biggest donor of covid-19 in the world. So far, EU has mobilized €38.5b of which €8b for the African countries where vaccination is lower than in other part of the world which is going to be centre of discussion that African leaders will deliberate on by next week at the African/European Leader’s Submit.”

Explaining the meaning of Team Europe, Isopi said it is about the European Union member’s state joining forces and putting together their resources to support partner countries like Nigeria in the common fight against COVID-19 “because nobody is safe until everybody is safe.”

Meanwhile at the handing over of the 2m vaccines, the Executive Director, National Primary Health Care Development Agency – NPHCDA, Dr. Faisal Shuaib,  has revealed that Nigeria have a total of 12 million doses of J&J vaccines currently in stock to be dispensed to Nigerians.

Responding to questions, Dr. Shuaib stated clearly that with about 40 million doses of J&J vaccines procured by Nigerian government, an additional 10 million doses of J&J vaccines delivered via Covax and today 2 million doses of it donated to Nigeria by the European Union, “potentially we have so far received over 50 million doses of J&J vaccines.

He said strategies have been made to focus the vaccines on hard-to-reach areas and compromised parts in order to accelerate uptake of Covid-19 vaccines and other integrated vaccines.

“We are very mindful of the challenges exist especially places in the south-East where lots of the state are lacking behind in terms of reaching their population.”

Dr. Shuaib emphasized that the Agency has taken out time to re-strategize it mode of operation to effectively cover every nooks and crannies of this country after due consultation with critical stakeholders and by also working hand-in-hand with those states, local governments and communities that are lacking behind to ensure a swift increase in the uptake of Covid-19 vaccination.

He also said in addition to COVID-19 vaccination, rotine immunization vaccines, vitamin-A supplementation well as warm expellers for children will be integrated using covid-19 platform to enable the people get access to other primary healthcare interventions when they visit the health facilities.

Recall that FG in 2021 has earlier procured about 39,850 doses of the Johnson and Johnson vaccines from the AFREXIM Bank through the African Union.

“With today’s donation of 1,937,050 doses of the European Union (EU), the total number of Johnson and Johnson (J&J) vaccines available is about 51 million doses. At the moment, Nigeria 12,916,450 doses of J&J vaccines is currently in stock he added.

The Executive Director who appreciated the EU for their generosity, said, “With the Johnson and Johnson vaccines, what it also means, is the lack we have observed of the second dose will now be rapidly eliminated. He added that interestingly, only one shot of the J&J vaccines can be given and what will remain will be the booster dose.

“I therefore assure our partners that we will ensure a save and equitable distribution of this vaccines. The availability of the different brands does not in any way means some categories of people are selected for high quality vaccines while others are targeted for low quality vaccine.

“What we are going to be using is the accessibility, making sure that every single Nigerians no matter where they live gets equal opportunity to this vaccines,” he explained.

Dr. Shuaib further stated that with the current data over 15m Nigerians with the first dose which is about 14.1 percent of total number of eligible people we targeted have been vaccinated.

Earlier, the UNICEF Country Representative, Peter Hawkins, disclosed to the public that the Johnson and Johnson vaccines donated have a life span of 2 years which allows the FG to be able to manage the vaccines appropriately.

Commending the NPHCDA Executive Director for the efforts put in place, Hawkins noted that a lot still needs to be done to accelerate the Covid-19 vaccination programme and ensure the integration of the immunisation programme which has been integrated into primary healthcare systems at state levels.

Hawkins has however enjoined all donors to seriously invest in the immunisation system and primary healthcare structures so as to accelerate uptake of COVID-19 vaccine and to also respond to other diseases especially polio immunisation that’s very significant throughout the country.

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