
Disruptive mindset key to succeed in Real Estate – Expert



A real estate expert, the CEO of TEDO Consultant, Mr. Emmanuel Osoteku, has said it takes a disruptive mindset for practitioners in the Real Estate Sector to succeed in the value chains of the industry.

Osoteku said this at the launch of the emergence of its disruptive leaders initiative programme with the theme, “The Rise Of The Under Dogs”.

Osoteku who leads TEDO Consulting, a leading real estate and consulting agency aimed at transforming and empowering individual businesses and world client, said the programme is aimed at rebuilding mindsets as well as producing work disruptors.

He said the importance of disruptive mindset for entrepreneurs as well as facing challenges head on, was necessary for speed and reinvention in the sector.

According to him, a disruption pushed by vision, endurance, and abnormalities are key to birthing “new normal”.

Mr. Osoteku, however, stated that vision is key as passion aids endurance, identifying abnormalities as factors to new normal in the sector.

During an interview with Newsdirect Newspaper, Mr. Adetunji Lukman, a Realtor expressed his gladness at acquiring knowledge and skills as he affirmed his readiness to apply them in his field.

The events had in attendance experts including lawyers, consultants, and realtors, among others.

One of the major facilitator, Mr. Simon Adozi, a medical doctor, skilled real estate coach, investment and marketing strategist, spoke of hanging around creative minds in other to disrupt one’s mindset.

Mr. Simon further outlined that for disruption to take place one has to fight for it, knowing one’s opportunity and time to stand alone leverage clear communication as well as learning entrepreneurs’ languages.

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