Cross Rivers records 163 cases of rape from 2020 to Nov. 2021 — NCF

ACross River-based NGO, Neighbourhood Care-well Foundation (NCF), says it recorded 163 cases of rape in the state from 2020 to November 2021.

Executive Director of the organisation, Mrs Victoria Emah, made this known on Thursday during an advocacy visit to Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) in Calabar.

According to her, some of the cases have been charged to court, while many others have been settled out of court.

“We have had 163 cases of  rape reported, five of which are presently in court and 29 pending, while others have either been settled or withdrawn by family members,” she said.

Emah said that her organisation is working closely with the state Ministry of Justice to ensure that justice is done to the victims by prosecuting the offenders.

She expressed sadness over the non-passage of Violence Against Persons (VAP) Prohibition Bill by the state House of Assembly.

The executive director said that the non-passage of the bill was part of the challenges facing the organisation in prosecuting rape offenders and others perpetuating gender violence in the state.

“Violence Against Persons Prohibition Bill has yet to be passed. It has just passed through second reading and now awaiting public hearing. The non-passage of this bill is actually slowing down our efforts,” she said.

Emah also called for the assistance of public-spirited individuals, philanthropists and the state government in the area of provision of shelter for victims of rape and other forms of abuse.

“Sometimes, when we rescue these victims, we find it difficult getting where to keep them, and as you know, these victims are always helpless and hapless; they are really vulnerable.

“So, we need assistance in the area of shelter. This will enable us offer them protection and medication, where necessary,” she said.

According to her, “Rape and gender violence are heinous crimes against humanity. It requires the cooperation of everybody to reduce or put an end to the menace.”

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