COVID-19 vaccination: Aduda commends FCTA efforts

By Taofeek LAWAL, Abuja

The senator representing the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) in the upper chamber of the National Assembly, Senator Philips Tanimu Aduda, has commended the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) on how it has handled the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine on FCT residents.

The senator who led other FCT lawmakers, Honourables Micha Jiba and Hassan Usman Sokodabo to get their jabs said the effort is paying off as it has curbed the spread of the pandemic. He said being vaccinated with other lawmakers will convince their supporters that the vaccine is safe.

He said, “The decline in number of positive cases is an indication that the FCT administration is getting it right. We members of the National Assembly, our families and domestic staff are here to be vaccinated. As a leader, I should be able to convince the people that this is safe.”

So far, no fewer than 40,000 residents are said to have received their first shot of the COVID-19 vaccines since the roll out of the exercise in March.

The Acting Executive Secretary, FCT Primary Healthcare Board, Dr Nda-Eyo Iwot stated this while monitoring the vaccination of the FCT lawmakers. The figure he said is part of the one million doses so far inoculated nationwide.

Commenting on the safety of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, Iwot urged residents to ignore conspiracy theories and fake news being pushed on social media saying that no known adverse effect of the vaccine has been recorded.

He, however, clarified that two of the five cases being bandied around are not directly linked to the vaccine.

While commending the law makers for publicly taking the vaccine, the Permanent Secretary of the FCT, Adesola Olusade said the move will not only validate the efficacy and safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine but also boost public confidence in the exercise.

Adesola added that the government will not make it compulsory for Nigerians to take the jab but explained that certain situations may necessitate taking the jab.

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