COVID-19: CIIN enhances technology to remain in business, Institute says

The Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria (CIIN) says it has enhanced its technology to ensure the running of its programmes and certification .

Sir Muftau Oyegunle , President, CIIN , made the disclosure to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos.

“The pandemic and economic challenges faced by Nigeria were not exactly foreseen.  We know that the challenges in the business world are things that  can come anytime. Hence, everyone in business has to adapt.

“At CIIN and the College of Insurance and Financial Management (CIFM) which is our sister citadel, we have made efforts to enhance our technology since the advent of the pandemic , ” he said.

According to Oyegunle, it is a common knowledge that information technology is the future of any business but circumstances have moved the future to now.

He said that information technology is the now of business growth and all COVID-19 did was to fast track the process .

“The institute has continued to sensitise insurance professionals to be up and doing and enhance their technical skills because technology has become the driver of business.

“I am happy to announce that we have been able to do all the programs we lined up .

“The College of Insurance has since  been having their online programmes, even the diploma that used to be a classroom programme has fully been moved online.

” It is heartwarming to note how quickly we have been able to quickly adjust.

” The beauty of what is happening now is that the world is our market, we can get professionals from anywhere in the world and students from everywhere in the world.

“ That is the reality we are trying to adjust to, ” Oyegunle added.

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