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Court jails internet fraudster for 10 months

A Federal High Court in Ibadan has sentenced a 26-year-old internet fraudster, Emmanuel Adurota to 10 months imprisonment for impersonation and 950 dollars.

Delivering judgment, Justice Uche Agomoh, held that she convicted and sentenced Adurota based on the evidence tendered before her and the plea of guilt Adurota entered with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

Citing Section 270 (11) of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (ACJA) 2015 to support her pronouncement, Agomoh said that the law provided that anyone who entered a plea bargain agreement must be given a reduced sentence.

She therefore, sentenced Adurota to 10 months in the correctional centre, adding that the sentence started from the date the convict was first arrested.

“Upon completion of jail term, the convict must write an undertaking to the EFCC never to participate in any form of crime again.

“All the crime proceeds found in possession of the convict are forfeited to the Federal Government of Nigeria,” the judge ordered.

Earlier, Mr. A.S. Suleiman, the EFCC counsel, Ibadan Zonal Office informed the court that the convict was arraigned on one-count charge of impersonation.

Suleiman further said that Adurota was arrested by EFCC operatives on April 26 2021 at his hideout in Ibadan after receiving intelligence reports.

According to the prosecutor, Adurota specialises in deceiving unsuspecting foreigners of their hard earned money through his fictitious emails.

Suleiman tendered 950 dollars, two smart phones, many incriminating documents printed out from his fictitious email address as well as his confessional statements before the court.

He added that the offence contravened the provisions of Section 22A of the Cyber Crime Prohibition and Prevention Act 2015.

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