Court jails 2 labourers for stealing wires

A Dei-dei Grade I Area Court has sentenced two labourers, Elaigwu Anthony and Emmanuel Abam to 12 months in prison each for stealing wires worth N4.2 million.

Anthony, 26, and Abam, 31, were convicted and sentenced after pleading guilty to joint act and theft.They, however, begged the court for leniency.

The Judge, Mr Sulyman Ola gave Anthony and Abam option to pay a fine of N40, 000 and pay N4.2 million compensation to the complainant, Kingsley Ibok.

The judge warned the convicts to desist from crimes and be of good behaviour.

Earlier, the Prosecution Counsel, Chinedu Ogada told the court that the complainant reported the case at the Galadima Police Station on Feb.19.

Ogada said that unknown persons removed electrical wires valued N4.2 million from six duplexes in Bilaad Estate, Life Camp, Abuja on the said date.

He said during police investigations; Anthony and Abam were arrested with some of the stolen wires and confessed to the crime.

The prosecution counsel said the offence contravened the provisions of Sections 79 and 288 of the Penal Code.

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