Coalition calls for increased tax on sugar sweetened beverages to meet WHO guidelines

In a bid to address rising concerns over excessive sugar consumption, the National Action on Sugar Reduction (NASR), a coalition dedicated to public health initiatives, has highlighted the inadequacy of the current tax rate on Sugar Sweetened Beverages (SSB).

With a tax rate set at N10 per litre, NASR argues that it falls below the recommendations outlined by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Omei Bongos, spokesperson for the coalition, emphasised this discrepancy during the unveiling of a compelling Public Service Announcement (PSA) aimed at raising awareness about the health risks associated with excessive sugar intake.

The coalition’s call for an increased tax on SSBs underscores the urgent need for policy adjustments to align with global health guidelines and combat the growing epidemic of sugar-related health issues.

The statement was made available to journalists in Abuja on Saturday.

She called on the government to increase the tax on SSB, saying such a move would reduce the rate of consumption, and help to combat the rising rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes in the country.

She said that the PSA was aimed to educate Nigerians about the harmful effects of consuming these drinks, which are major contributors to obesity and other non-communicable diseases.

According to her, more than 11 million Nigerians are suffering from type 2 diabetes and are struggling to afford necessary medication.

She said that this campaign highlights the urgent need for policy makers to take action.

“Consumption of SSB is not just a personal choice; it has far-reaching consequences on public health. By increasing the SSB tax, we can reduce consumption and ultimately save lives.

“Nigeria is currently one of the largest consumers of soft drinks in Africa and ranks seventh globally.

“The current tax rate of N10 per litre falls below WHO recommendations and is ineffective in curbing consumption.

“This PSA serves as a call-to-action for government officials to prioritize public health by implementing policies that will protect citizens from preventable diseases associated with excessive sugar intake.

“NASR is a coalition of health organisations dedicated to advocating for pro-health policies aimed at reducing consumption of sugar sweetened beverages in order to improve public health outcomes in Nigeria,” she stressed

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