CESEL, MAIS join forces to solar-power Nigeria’s farms

Community Energy Social Enterprise Limited (CESEL) has partnered Mechanized Agriculture investment (MAIS) Limited to deploy solar irrigation systems across 20,000 hectares of farmland in Kogi State.

According to a statement, the partnership seeks to boost food production, create jobs, and enhance food security in Nigeria.

The project will focus on key crops like rice, cassava, and soybeans, while also explori ng opportunities in other high-value produce.

The collaboration will leverage CESEL’s Irri-Go platform to onboard 20,000 farmers, providing them with access to a reliable water source, increasing crop yields and reducing reliance on unpredictable rainfall patt erns.

The project will also explore opportunities for government subsidies and support through the World Bank/REA DARES PUE program.

Dr. Patrick Tolani, chief executive officer at CESEL, emphasized the project’s potential to aleviate hunger and support government efforts in mitigating social unrest.

“Our goal is to empower farmers with the to ols they need to succeed and create a more prosperous agricultural sector,” he said.

The partnership will commence with the onboarding of 20,000 farmers and the cultivation of 40,000 hectares of land in Kogi State.

MAIS will be responsible for payment processing for irrigation services, while CE SEL will provide technical support and training to farmers.

This underscores the growing interest in sustainable agriculture and renewable energy in Nigeria. As the project progresses, it is expected to serve as a model for other regions in the country and contribute to Nigeria’s goal of achieving food self-sufficiency.

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