The NIGERIAN NEWSDIRECT CHAPBOOK AWARDS is an initiative of Poetry Column-NND that seeks to promote the voices of Nigerian poets, as the column does weekly in our newspaper. We hope to prioritise consistency of the award, and in so doing, document the vibrant work being put out by contemporary Nigerian poets.

Two selected poets will each win:

  1. N25,000
  2. Digital Chapbook published by Poetry Column-NND

Submission Window: July 15 – October 15, 2024


  1. Eligibility: Nigerian
  2. Submit 30 pages worth of a poetry manuscript, including table of contents.
  3. Send manuscript in .doc or .docx format manuscript should be in single line spacing, 12pt. Times New Roman or any other standard font (preferably Garamond).
  4. No name should be on the manuscript as we intend to read anonymously (we will contact you via email if your manuscript is selected as one of the two winners).
  5. Include a cover page with the title of the manuscript and email address.
  6. Manuscripts must be original works of the entrants
  7. Some poems in the manuscript may have been published, but the manuscript as a whole must be previously unpublished
  8. Must not have previously published any chapbook or full-length poetry manuscript or contracted for one within 2024 – 2025.
  9. Include a bio not more than 100 words in the BODY OF THE EMAIL.
  10. Plagiarism and use of AI will not be tolerated.
  11. Works promoting bigotry of all kinds will be rejected
  12. Contact details (email address and phone number) of the author should be in the body of the mail and forwarded alongside the cover letter and manuscript to [email protected]


  1. Only manuscripts which meet our standards will be considered for publication.
  2. Selected manuscripts will be published on our site – for free download
  3. Authors retain copyrights to their work, but give us the sole rights to electronically distribute same.
  4. Authors of selected manuscripts will receive an honorarium of N25,000 each. We know this is not enough compensation for your beautiful manuscript however that is what we can offer for now. We hope to do more and will make an announcement, if made possible, by any kind sponsor or donors.
  5. We will promote our authors with every means necessary—varying from reviews of the collection, promotion, virtual readings.
  6. Two Judges will select winning manuscripts, as well as, two other finalists for the prize.




Articles: 567