BSEMA treats 15 IDPs of snake bites in Benue

By Titus Atondu, Makurdi

Benue State Emergency Management Agency (BSEMA) has disclosed the Agency in recent months has faced tragic challenge of snake bites among the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), cut across various IDPs Camps in the State and successfully treated 15 cases of the snake bites.

Sir James Iorpuu, Executive Secretary BSEMA made the disclosure on Wednesday during the monthly distribution of food and non – food materials to the displaced population in the State, commended the swift action of BSEMA health teams and the support from donor partners.

He explained that in order to put to an end the occurrence of the snake bites in the camps, all the IDP camps including Ikyogen refugee camp has been adequately fumigated.

He urged donor partners both local and International to continue to support BSEMA in such crucial area as the Agency still requires additional medical supplies and support to prevent further tragedies.

The BSEMA boss announced the commencement of the construction of 50 units of houses in Nyihemba, Kwande local government area and appreciated the World Bank for its invaluable assistance to the Benue State Government to resettle IDPs back to their ancestral homes.

Sir Iorpuu also revealed all is set for the commencement of BSEMA IDP farm projects in Kwande, Logo, and Gwer-West local government areas.

These farms according to him are not just about food production; they represent hope, empowerment, and self-reliance for the displaced communities and allow the IDPs to contribute to their well-being, while also addressing food insecurity in the camps.

The Executive Secretary explained that the reason behind the delay in the monthly distribution of food and non food items to Benue IDPs though regrettable, to has been largely due to the unrest caused by recent Nationwide protests and the unfortunate incidents of food diversion.

“These crises have impacted our ability to reach vulnerable populations in a timely manner. However, let me assure you that we are working diligently to resolve these issues, and we are taking significant steps to ensure that such disruptions do not hinder our future relief efforts.

“In response to the increasing security risks surrounding our Operations, Benue SEMA has taken proactive steps to ensure the Safety of our assets and personnel. I am pleased to announce that we have engaged a retired DSP on a consultancy basis to provide expert security advice. With his wealth of experience, we are confident that all Our Operations will be conducted under a more secure and coordinated framework moving forward. ” Iorpuu assured.

He appreciated the UN agencies, local and international partners, particularly UNHCR, UNFPA, and IOM for their recent interventions, including the distribution of dignity kits, the construction of shelters and the distribution of food and Non-Food Items (NFIs), will and have greatly alleviated the suffering of many IDPs.

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