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BMO cheers FG’s decision to bar illegal loan apps operations



The Buhari Media Organisation (BMO) has welcomed the decision of the President Muhammadu Buhari administration to stop online lending apps from harassing Nigerians unnecessarily.

The group said in a statement signed by its Chairman Niyi Akinsiju and Secretary Cassidy Madueke that the approval granted 173 digital lending applications to operate in the country will help sanitise the lending space.

“It is no longer news that a section of Nigerians have over the years been exploited and subjected to ridicule by illegal loan apps after signing on to these apps’ services.

“But this is about to end with the decision of the Federal Government, through the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC), to put an end to the development by approving 173 loan apps.

“The decision to moderate the digital lending space is a welcome one especially as access to credit is one service that is key to financial inclusion.

“It is good to know that apps that are not approved by the Federal Government would be taken off Playstore by Google and be unavailable for downloads.

“We invite Nigerians to know that the move is in line with the demonstrable commitment of the Buhari administration to protect the average Nigerian from exploitation.

“We are hopeful that the regulators will ensure proper enforcement of the necessary laws to ensure that the approved lending apps accord Nigerians seeking their service, the respect they deserve,” the statement added.

BMO also urged the regulators to work closely with service providers to block unapproved apps from remaining in the digital space to con unsuspecting Nigerians.

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Eid-el-Kabir: Atiku preaches sacrifice, love, peace



Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, has called on Nigerians to use the occasion of this year Eid-el-Kabir  to demonstrate sacrifice, love and peace.

Abubakar in a statement by his media office on Saturday in Abuja, congratulated fellow Muslim faithful on the celebration of this year’s Eid-el-Kabir festival.

He said that the celebration of Eid, as stated in the scriptures, was not merely a fanfare but an admonition to the people to have forbearance and show compassion in every situation.

“The message of Eid al-Adha is to remind ourselves about the commandment of God to show love to one another and uphold peaceful interpersonal relationships.

“The essential purpose of that message is that we must put our trust in God almighty at all times.

“Even in the face of current hard times that many Nigerians are passing through, we must never fail to put trust in God and, more importantly, extend compassion and safety to the vulnerable people around us.

“This means that as we go about celebrating today, we must ensure that we extend good tidings of support and charity to one another, especially those in difficulties,”he said.

The former vice president called on governments at all levels to be deliberate in initiating measures that will ease the hardship confronting Nigerians .

“As we know that the essence of the celebration today is about a restoration of God’s mercy, it is thus incumbent on government at all levels to take a cue from the divine instruction,” he said.

He  reminded Muslims in Nigeria and across the world to remember their responsibility of being good ambassadors of the religion by living their lives according to the practices and teachings of the noble Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

“The festivities that we are undertaking today is borne out of the obedience of Prophet Ibrahim and as also exemplified by Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

“ It is thus our responsibility as Muslims to reflect on their examples in our lives by upholding the threshold of peace at all times, “AbubKar also added.

He wished every Muslim family a happy Eid celebration and prayed for God’s protection and safety for everyone during and after the celebration.

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Eid-el Kabir: VP prays for peace, bumper harvest 



The Vice President, Alhaji Kashim Shettima, has joined other Muslim faithful to observe the Eid-el Kabir prayer in Maiduguri.

Shettima, who spoke briefly after the prayers, prayed for peace and bumper harvest this cropping season.

“We urge Nigerians to pray for peace and prosperity in the land.

“We have to cultivate peace; there can never be development without peace.

“This is the farming season, we also need to pray for bumper harvest, ” Kashim said.

In his message, the Borno Acting Governor, Alhaji Umar Kadafur, also prayed for peaceful coexistence and the need to pray for the nation.

“May Allah accept our prayers and that of our people in the Holy land,” he said.

He thanked the people of Borno for their sustained support to the government, and assured them of quality leadership.

Kadafur also thanked the Vice President  for coming home to identify with his people in Borno, and wished him a safe trip back to Abuja.

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Eid-el-Kabir: COAS hails troops’ gallantry, sacrifice



The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, has commended troops of the Nigerian Army for their commitment and gallantry in confronting the security challenges and threats in the country.

Lagbaja gave the commendation on Sunday in Abuja, in his goodwill message to the troops and their families on the occasion of the Eid-el-Kabir celebration.

He described the Eid-el-Kabir as a significant festival depicting the important place of sacrifice in humanity and divinity.

The COAS said the 2024 Eid-el-Kabir celebration was also remarkable, as it coincided with the completion of his first year in office as the 23rd Chief of Army Staff.

He expressed gratitude to God for the gift of life and the relative peace restored in many troubled parts of the country.

He acknowledged the enormous sacrifice made by the army, both in human and logistics resources, in the ongoing battle against terrorism, insurgency, banditry, secessionist agitations and sundry crimes.

Lagbaja said the troops had displayed unalloyed loyalty, extraordinary courage and faith in the nation, thereby, emerging victorious in the face of grave danger.

He added that many of them currently bore the badge of courage and bravery in the form of battle scars and injuries, while others carried the memories and stories of their sacrifices for the country.

The COAS enjoined all Nigerians to show collective understanding and support for the government’s efforts to implement necessary reforms to restore economic prosperity.

He also urged all personnel and their families to renew their commitment to selflessness and patriotism for the growth and development of the country.

The army chief, however, reaffirmed his dedication to providing visionary and inclusive leadership needed for effective training, robust living standards and operational effectiveness.

He expressed profound appreciation to President Bola Tinubu, for his unflinching support and leadership.

Lagbaja also extended appreciation to the National Assembly, Minister of Defence, the Minister of State for Defence and the Chief of Defence Staff, for their strategic guidance.

He lauded Nigerians and the international community for their continuous support and belief in the Nigerian Army.

According to him, the Nigerian Army looks forward to continued collaboration to end security challenges and create an enabling environment for economic prosperity and other democratic dividends.

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