Bandits raze top vigilante’s home

…Kill two family members, as others escape and on the run

The home of the head of vigilante group in Iludotun, Ajowo Akoko in Ondo state has been vandalised and burnt by Fulani bandits and kidnappers.

According to the information provided by eyewitnesses, the residence of the vigilante officer, Mr. Ajiboye Toye, was totally destroyed, while two of his relatives who lived with him were killed. Only his wife, children, his brother, Ajiboye Wemimo and some neighbours who were in the house at the time of the attack were fortunate to escape death with varying degrees of injuries.

The terrorists who came in two SUVs and some motorcycles were armed to the teeth and threatened to execute the vigilante head and all his family members because of his active roles in suppressing banditry and kidnapping in the community.

This dastardly attack came on the heel of the recent kidnapping of the traditional ruler in Ajowo Akoko by the same Fulani  bandits who was only rescued after a huge ransom had been raised and paid by the people of the town.

Since then Ajiboye has been dogged by several attacks, while his brother, Wemimo in particular and other members of the family are also on the run because the bandits have been on their trail to make good their promise of killing them.

In fact, according to reports gleaned from  friends and colleagues, Ajiboye Wemimo has had several close shaves with these evil people. Every concerted effort made to get in touch with him by or ascertain his whereabouts in the past one year have all been in vain.

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