Banditry epidemic: Tinubu must take decisive action now

The recent wave of kidnappings and killings orchestrated by bandits in Nigeria, particularly in the Federal Capital Territory, has sent shockwaves throughout the nation.

It is a matter of utmost urgency that President Bola Tinubu responds with a resolute and forceful approach.
The audacious abduction of six innocent siblings from their own home in Bwari Council, Abuja, on December 26, 2023, along with their father, Mansoor Al-Kadriya, and the heart-wrenching murder of one of his daughters, Nabeeha, for failing to meet the ransom demands, has ignited a national outcry.

Sadly, this tragic incident is just one among a distressing series of similar events.
According to a report by the esteemed Abuja-based security firm, Beacon Consulting, a staggering 4,067 individuals were abducted, and a horrifying 9,734 lives were claimed by gunmen in Nigeria in 2023 alone.Even Abuja, once regarded as a sanctuary, is now engulfed in fear.

The Commissioner of the Public Complaints Commission FCT, Dalhatu Ezekiel Musa, has revealed that within a mere three months, 132 people were kidnapped, and five lives were mercilessly taken in the FCT.

This level of insecurity is utterly unacceptable. Furthermore, it is perplexing that despite the implementation of the NIN-phone number linkage, kidnappers can still contact victims’ families without being traced.

This raises serious concerns about the collaboration between bandits and certain unscrupulous elements within the security agencies.The recent establishment of a Special Intervention Squad by the Inspector General of Police, Kayode Egbetokun, to combat kidnappers is undoubtedly a step in the right direction.

Additionally, the Minister of the FCT, Wyesom Wike, has reassured the public of his commitment to making the territory too hostile for bandits. These measures are certainly encouraging.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that mere displays of force by the police are not enough to appease the Nigerian people. We have witnessed similar actions in the past, and they have failed to yield the desired results.

What Nigerians truly yearn for is tangible action. They long to travel on highways without the constant fear of being attacked or abducted. They crave the ability to sleep soundly at night, without the haunting prospect of bandits breaking into their homes.

It is imperative that President Bola Tinubu takes immediate and decisive action to address this escalating crisis. The lives and safety of Nigerian citizens must be safeguarded at all costs. The time for rhetoric and empty promises has long passed. The nation demands real solutions, and it is the duty of our leaders to deliver them.

In the esteemed view of this publication, it is imperative that we move beyond mere rhetoric and temporary measures to effectively combat the prevailing threat.

What is truly needed are comprehensive, long-term strategies that address the root causes and loopholes that allow these crimes to persist.To begin with, we must undertake substantial reforms to bridge the systemic gaps that enable these criminal activities.

This entails bolstering intelligence sharing between agencies, ensuring seamless coordination to outsmart the criminals.

Additionally, we must fortify our borders to sever their access to arms and manpower, thereby cutting off their lifelines.Equally crucial is the urgent need to enhance the capabilities of our understaffed and undertrained police force. Embracing advanced technologies such as drones and CCTV can significantly augment our monitoring capabilities, while also investing in community policing to harness the power of local knowledge.

Addressing the socio-economic factors that drive young individuals towards criminality is also paramount. By providing them with quality education, skills training, and viable job opportunities, we can divert them away from the clutches of gangs and towards a more promising future.

On the domestic front, enacting and enforcing stricter gun control measures is imperative.
Concurrently, implementing amnesty programs that encourage the voluntary surrender of illegal weapons has proven to be beneficial in curbing violence.

While it is true that governments at both federal and state levels must take decisive action to enhance security, it is equally important for citizens to actively cooperate.

Undoubtedly, refusing to pay ransom is a crucial step in making kidnapping less lucrative. However, we must acknowledge that this is easier said than done, as people resort to paying ransom due to the failure of the system to adequately protect them.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to collectively address this issue and ensure the safety of our fellow citizens.The rising tide of banditry and terror necessitates stringent actions that transcend mere rhetoric.

The Nigerian state must assert its authority over the bandits, with a resolute focus on apprehending and prosecuting kidnappers. These actions will serve as powerful deterrents, sending a clear.

The message that criminal activities will not be tolerated.In conclusion, it is imperative that we adopt a creative and comprehensive approach to curb the menace of insecurity.
These actions will go a long way to serve as deterrents.

President Tinubu should know that his legacy is at stake. No matter how he performs in the economy and other areas, if he fails in addressing insecurity, history will not be kind to him. Every other success pales in comparison to insecurity.

The president should go beyond summoning the service chiefs anytime there is an abduction or killing, as nothing is done until the next abduction.

The recent spate of abductions and killings in Nigeria has sparked outrage and calls for urgent action from both the government and citizens.

President Tinubu has pledged to implement forest guards and technology to combat the issue, but more needs to be done.
Experts suggested a massive military operation to flush out bandits and terrorists from the forest, as well as going after the sponsors of these criminal activities.

Decisive, multifaceted strategies are needed to restore safety and stability in the country.Leaders at both the federal and state level must prioritize security, and the international community should increase intelligence cooperation and arms interdiction.

The time for action is long overdue, and Nigeria must summon the will to protect its people from further harm.

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