AUATWON reject 20% fare hike, commence strike action, protest nationwide for fare increase, commission reduction, collective bargaining

The attention of Amalgamated Union of App-Based Trsnsport Workers of Nigeria (AUATWON) has been to drawn to a purported meager fare increase by ride-hailing transport companies like uber, Bolt, lagride, indriver and others.

This ridiculous increase stand between 25 per cent to 30 per cent by different companies, far away from the union demand for 200% increase and 50 per cent reduction in commission respectively, contrary to AUATWON demand for 10 per cent flat or 50 per cent off the current commission, uber, bolt and lagride still maintain homogeneous commission between 20 per cent to 25 per cent and thi is completely unacceptable and unprofitable for us, we can no longer work under this conditions and intimidation so all app-based workers accross Nigeria should be ready to fight this menace till victotry.

The union technical team is verse with operation and technicality of ride-hailing companies and on our calculations, any app companies can breakeven charging below 5 per cent eventhough the union recommended a flat commission of 10 per cent or 50 per cent off their current commission during our last meeting, as we believe this will help us to cope with maintenance cost, sparepart and various overhead cost and the current fuel increase.

You will all Recalled that our demand for commission reduction has been on before the new fuel price increase, it become more necessary going by worsen situation of over 270% in fuel increase and unprofitable prices, set by these app.

We can no longer tolerate any act of dictatorial practices by any app company because we are worker and as an organized union, we have writen several letter to this companies for a round table discussion where we can look at various area of concern and dialog but they have remain adamant with a delebrate intention to avoid responsibility so as result of this insensitivity, the union is directing all our members accross the nation to shutdown their service on all ride-hailing application from Wednesday 7th June, 2023, in protest against every dictatorial practice and lack of concern for welfare and security of App-Based Transport workers of Nigeria.

In the same veil, the leadership of Comrade Damola Adeniran backed by the resolution of the NAC in session held on 4th June, 2023 has equally directed all members to participate fully in the protest and strike action to press forward a good welfare for our member

We are also demanding the new government to immediately embark on fact finding mission to ascertain whether their was a subsidy in the first place considering the NNPC arrangement of direct sales and direct purchase on importation of petroleum into the country as well as creating palliative relieve for app-base transport workers as the most affected sector

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