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Say unto them, as truly as I live, saith the Lord, as ye have spoken in my ears, so will I do to you (Numbers 14  vs. 28 KJV).

Beloved, we are in an era where what you say counts and matters to God, and this is not a function of what you are passing through or experiencing if you want quick intervention from God.  God is always willing to come to your aid as an individual and as a nation but what comes out of our mouth more often than not deter Him from moving miraculously on our behalf.

God promised the Israelites the land of Canaan as an inheritance for them and their coming generations but when twelve spies were sent there by Moses different reports were given after spending forty days in the place ( Numbers 13 vs. 25). Some said, the land was good, flowing with milk and honey but there were giants there. They concluded that they could not possess it because they were like grasshoppers before them ( Numbers 13 vs. 25 -33). Moses and Aaron were overwhelmed by the evil report and the reaction of the congregation. Two of them fell to the ground because of the bad news. No wonder none of them got to the promised land.

Caleb and Joshua reacted to the bad news by tearing their garments. They immediately gave a good report about the land adding that it won’t be difficult for them to possess it. ( Numbers 14 vs. 6-9).

God heard all their positive, negative, and evil comments and decided to deal with them as they have said. He also dealt with them according to their reactions when the report was given. Ten out of the twelve spies gave the evil report but many that believed it suffered for it. ( Numbers 14 vs.23 –  37).

We also have other instances in the Bible where some people experienced the supernatural move of God in their lives as a result of their confession and prophetic declaration (I Kings 17  vs. 1 –  7)  which God decided to uphold and as a result of believing in God’s promises which He later confirmed.

In the case of Abraham, God called and told him to sacrifice his son Isaac to Him in one of the mountains in the land of Moriah. He could not comprehend the reason behind God’s decision rather he obeyed and used the power of positive confession to turn the situation around( Gen 22 vs. 1-2).

Abraham embarked on the journey early with his son and two of his young men to execute God’s assignment without telling his wife and Isaac his child who is to be offered for the sacrifice. As they were about to get to the place where the sacrifice would be performed on the third day, Abraham told his servants ( the two young men) to wait behind because he and Isaac would go and perform the sacrifice and thereafter two of them would come back to meet them, even when there was no hope of returning with his son. He was so sure that nothing would happen to him. When they were about to get to the place of the sacrifice, Isaac asked his father about the lamb that would be used for the sacrifice. In response, Abraham told him that God himself would provide the lamb (Gen 22 vs 7-8). He suggested to God what could be used for the sacrifice in place of his son, Isaac rather than complaining. God did exactly what he said concerning the ram when he was about to slaughter Isaac. The sacrifice was performed with the ram miraculously provided by God and two of them also had the opportunity of seeing the two servants again as there was no loss. He was blessed beyond measure for obeying God and for using his faith and power of positive confession to turn the unfavorable situation around ( Gen. vs.13 -19).

In addition, when there was an acute famine in the city of Samaria, and people of the land were groaning because of a lack of what to eat ( 2 Kings 6 vs. 24 –  33 ). Elijah spoke the mind of God by declaring in faith concerning the situation that “ Tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, in the gate of Samaria (2 Kings 7 vs. 1) “ God heard him and immediately confirmed his words. The city witnessed a supernatural abundance that could not be explained by anybody.

His antagonist reaped the fruit of his lips ( 2 Kings  7 vs. 2, 18 – 20). When words of faith are countered, death, pain, sorrow, and complaints are inevitable. Be warned.

We must speak the right words to ourselves and our nation if truly we want to see the miraculous move of God.  Our words must be backed with positive action especially when we are passing through difficult situations that are sometimes beyond human comprehension, strength, and control.

We must also remember that our creator is in heaven and is solely responsible for our upkeep in life. So,  our speech and deeds must conform to his words and not to the reality on ground. Trying to find out how God moves is a risky adventure that has no bearing which can even make us incur God’s wrath (Isaiah 55 vs. 9).

God’s good plan for you cannot be hindered by situations and circumstances but  It must be claimed for its fulfillment to become a reality. Never get to a point in your life where people’s comments or actions make you shift your focus from God’s words, promises, and positive confessions declared in faith concerning yourself, no matter how long it takes. The whole world may even turn against you for no just course. Don’t let it bother you because your words of faith carry more weight before God than their negative, evil words, actions, and plans. It is certain, they will only wait for your downfall in vain ( Job 8 vs. 22 ).

Beloved, from now on begin to confess and declare in faith good things concerning yourself, your family, and your Country regardless of the visible unfavorable situation and circumstances. Don’t also forget to confess Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. Repent ( Ezekiel 18 vs 23, 27- 28) and Forsake your sins and it shall be well with you.

Remain blessed.

Written by

Evangelist Alatise Sunday

Founder, Zion’s Disciples Christian Evangelical Ministry

( Formerly Greatminds Christian Outreach)


08055168819, 07083307581

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Renowned Lagos pastor cries out for rescue for family



A popular pastor and businessman in Lagos has narrated his ordeal in the hands of suspected Islamic bigots and religion fanatics who have been on his trail since well over a year because of his strong preachings, evangelism, and religious inclination.

Mr. Derick Osazuwa, a renowned pastor and business man in the Igando axis of Lagos mainland has won several souls for Christ with his stern and sound sermons, condemning in strong terms the brutal killings and assasination of Christians in several parts of Nigeria.

It will be recalled that Pastor Derick Osazuwa, 52, sometime in June last year during a powerful crusade organised by his branch in Igando Lagos state converted one Musa and another Muhammed of the Muslim faith to christians. A development that has  brought agony and disaster the way of the pastor, who has since known no real peace as some Islamic bigots have been on his trail, vowing to hack him down before he converts all Muslims to Christianity through his preachings.

After so many horrible assassination attempts, a  resolute Pastor Derick, determined not to cave in to the death threats, but still wants to do more for his God, had to run for dear life, leaving Lagos for a friend’s place in Abeokuta to seek refuge after having arranged a safe relocation for his wife, children and mother-in-law in another undisclosed part of the country.

As if their Lagos escapades were not enough, Derick Osazuwa’s  assailants again traced the pastor down to his friend’s place in Abeokuta, this time fully armed and more ferocious. It was a close shave for Derick Osazuwa as he was able to escape by the whiskers upon a quick tip off from a neighbor who had sighted the assailants and had heard them mentioning his name.

Pastor Derick Osazuwa who visited this reporter in the early hours of Friday the 6th of October 2023 to explain his ordeal, presented copies of an affidavit and police report where he had urged the relevant security authorities  to come to his aid before it’s too late.

Efforts by this reporter, during a fact finding visit to contact the Islamic hierarchy in the area, proved abortive as no one was willing to talk to us. But some few residents who spoke to us in secret and on condition of anonymity, confirmed Pastor Osazuwa’s claims.

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Is Jesus Christ the Son of God?



Beloved, People’s perceptions of Jesus Christ differ. To some, He is a Prophet of God. Truly,  He is being addressed as such in many places in the scripture as He is all-knowing. Everything He said when He was on earth came to pass, and most of the things He said would happen after His death are also coming to pass now. He also noted before His departure that heaven and earth would pass away but none of His words would go unfulfilled ( Matt. 24 vs. 34 – 35). He exhibited the prophetic gift given to him by God without measure, in a strange dimension because none of His words fell to the ground as it is with some Prophets’ words in our time.

Jesus Christ also addressed Himself as the Son of man because of the way His heavenly father had chosen to bring Him into this world for His assignment to mankind, as the Saviour of the whole world (1 John 4  vs. 14).

Two instances out of many where Jesus Christ referred to Himself as the Son of Man was when He was talking to His disciples about what would happen before His departure and during His second coming (Mark 8 vs. 31 & 38, Mark 10 vs.32 – 34, Mathew 24  vs. 29 – 30)).

He was also addressed as the Son of Man when He was preaching boldly and with authority. marveled at His level of wisdom, saying, ‘Is this not the Son of the Carpenter?’ They knew Him to be the Son of Joseph (Matt 13 vs 55 – 56).

Furthermore, some Christian brethren referred to Jesus Christ as Angel Michael. He is not because Angels were asked to worship Him (Hebrews 1 vs.5- 6). In addition, Angels are not begotten sons of God. They are Ministering Spirits and they must not be worshipped (Hebrews 1 vs. 13 – 14).

Who Jesus Christ is, is who His heavenly father said He is. God’s pronouncement about who He is was made clear to the world, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ Himself when He was baptized by John the Baptist ( Mathew 3 vs. 16 -17). This similar pronouncement was made when Jesus took Peter, James, and John to the Mount of Transfiguration with an order that the Disciples and the whole world must hear Him. ( Mathew 17 vs. 1-5).

Apart from the confirmation from God the Father about who Jesus Christ is, other people who also confirmed that He was the Son of God were:

  1. Confirmation by Jesus Christ Himself

Jesus Christ more often than not referred to  God as His father and this has generated more controversy among the Gentiles in His days and even today. Jesus Christ said that He came from the Father and unto Him, He would return ( John 16 vs. 28). After ascending to heaven, it was also confirmed in the Scripture that He is sitting at the right hand of God the Father ( Mark 16 vs.19). Meanwhile, before His departure, He ordered His disciples to baptize new converts in the name of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy Spirit ( Mathew 28 vs. 18 – 20).

  1. Confirmation by the Disciples

The Disciples of Christ confirmed throughout their lifetime that Jesus Christ was the Son of God when propagating the gospel as they have been told by Him several times. Three of His disciples, Peter, James, and John who had the privilege of following Him to the Mount of Transfiguration heard His name and the order given concerning Him that He must be heard.

  1. Confirmation by Devil, Evil, and Unclean Spirit

Jesus Christ had an encounter with a man possessed by many evil spirits called legion. He was being tormented perpetually by these spirits/devils. When the evil spirits saw Jesus Christ, He was addressed correctly as the Son of the Most High God. (Mark 3 vs. 11, Mark 5 vs.7). He also had a similar encounter with those possessed by the devil in Luke 4 vs. 40-41.

  1. Confirmation by the Holy Spirit

Romans 8 vs. 16  says ‘ His spirit testifies with our spirit that we are the children of God.’ Once you receive and believe in His name, you are empowered to be called the Son of God like Him ( John 1 vs. 12).

  1. Confirmation by an Angel of God

Before the birth of Jesus Christ, Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary in a dream and told her she would be pregnant and she would give birth to a baby boy to be named Jesus Christ. He added that He would be called the Son of the Most-High God ( Luke 1 vs. 30 – 35).

6  Confirmation by the Apostle

Apostles of Christ throughout their assignment on earth believed that Jesus Christ was the Son of God without any iota of doubt. In  Romans 1 vs. 1-3, Apostle Paul confirmed that God was the Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ when he was speaking to the saints in Ephesus ( Ephesians 1 vs. 3). He also told the saint at Colosse the same thing ( Colossians 1 vs 2-3).

  1.  Confirmation by the Centurion

The Centurion, a Soldier, who witnessed how Jesus Christ gave up the ghost on the Cross of  Cavalry also confirmed that Jesus Christ was the Son of God ( Mark 15 vs. 37 – 39). When Pilate wanted to be sure whether Jesus Christ truly died, he asked the Centurion who confirmed to him that He had died. Pilate, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jose, the Centurion, and Joseph, who carried His Cross, saw the sepulcher where He was laid  (Mark 15 vs.44 – 46 ).

Beloved, It may interest you to know that God is speaking in our days through the Son (Hebrews 1 vs. 1-2). The privilege of becoming a Son of God can be extended to you only if you believe and accept Him as your personal Lord and Saviour.

Many people have taken this step and they are enjoying the privilege. Some have even become Soldiers of Christ indeed by propagating the gospel and getting people prepared and ready for the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, which is also certain. Don’t exempt yourself from this great privilege as tomorrow may be too late. Repent and forsake your sins and it shall be well with you.

Remain blessed.

Written by Evangelist Alatise Sunday. 0

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Zion’s Disciples Christian Evangelical Ministry

P.O. Box 2796, Sapon, Abeokuta, Ogun State.

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He is coming back again



Behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give unto every one according to his deed. ( Rev. 22  vs. 12 – 13 )

Beloved, the believers of our time tend to ignore the significance of the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as most of them are not preparing for it at all. Some even said, “He is not coming again.’  What a heresy! This last stage of Jesus’ assignment must not be taken with levity as we have been warned in the scripture because what we are going to lose is great, eternal life.

Being conscious of His second coming would make us amend our ways to please Him so that we shall not be found wanting on the day of his appearance.

The main text, Revelation 22 vs.12 – 13, draws our attention to the following :

  1. The second coming of Jesus Christ is imminent and certain.

Jesus Christ assured the believers that His second coming is certain, adding that all eyes would see Him but not all would have the opportunity to be where He has gone to prepare for us ( Matt 7 vs. 21). He further mentioned some of the events that would take place before His arrival, most of which we have started experiencing today. ( Mathew 24 vs. 3 -51). The main thing that must happen before His arrival is in verse 14 of the same chapter. His disciples also confirmed to be true his messages about his second coming.

  1. Everything does not end in this world

Jesus Christ made us understand that death is not the end of man in this world. There is still hope of reigning with Him after death. God made man a little lower than the angels ( Hebrews 2 vs. 6-7, Psalm 8 vs. 4-9)), but we still have the opportunity to be transformed into ministering spirits like them ( Luke 20 vs. 35 – 36). That is, we shall be of equal status with them if we live a holy and righteous life in this world. That everlasting life opportunity that was lost in the garden of Eden shall be restored to those who make heaven after His second appearance ( Mark 12: 25).

  1. There is a reward for doing good and evil

If we who are mortal know how to reward those who have performed excellently well in good works in life with awards,  how much more God! There is a reward for our actions and deeds from God in this world and after we have died. The way a righteous man would be addressed on the last day would be different from that of a sinner ( Math 25 vs.21, Matt. 7 vs. 23). Joseph was adequately compensated by God for failing to commit adultery with Potiphar’s wife in Egypt. He became the second in command to the king in the land and God also made him to be a father to pharaoh ( Gen. 45 vs. 8). He dwelt in the most fertile place in the land in his lifetime and he also made heaven.

  1. There is a record of everything we do in this world be it good or bad

Jesus Christ wants us to be conscious of the fact that whatever we do in this world is taken note of by our heavenly father, be it good or bad. This will make us amongst other things eschew evil. Remember, when David slept with Uriah’s wife, God knew and immediately sent Prophet Nathan to him. He was not spared, although, he was forgiven ( 2 Samuel 12 vs. 1-13). Jesus also told the Samaritan woman, who was also busy committing adultery, the number of husbands she had been with. She was shocked and eventually became saved ( John 4 vs. 16 – 19). In addition, when the sons of Eli, the Priest, were misbehaving (Samuel 2 vs.12), God called Samuel and told him everything his master’s sons were doing, and the consequences of their actions.      (1 Samuel 3 vs. 8 – 18).

  1. Stewardship is inevitable

No one shall be exempted from the judgment seat of Christ due to their status or position in this world and there shall be no form of favoritism on the judgment day. We shall all be equal indeed before the law as against what operates in this world ( 2 Corinthians 5 vs. 10). The sinners and the righteous shall stand before the judgment seat of the Lord to give an account of their deeds. In the parable of the talents, all the servants rendered an account of what they have done with their master’s talent ( Matt. 25 vs. 14 – 30). You will also do likewise one day. Be prepared.

  1. Sinners shall be separated from the righteous.

The sinners and the righteous shall not cohabit in the same place again as it is now. Sinners shall be in hell while the righteous shall reign with Christ. In the Book of Matthew 13 vs. 30, the Bible made us understand that the tares are the sinners and the wheat are those that do the will of God. During harvest, which means, on the last day, the tares/ weeds and the wheat shall be separated. Also, in the parable of the ten virgins, the five wise virgins were separated from the five foolish ones ( Mathew 25 vs. 1 – 13). Be wise.

  1. Those who are alive shall have the opportunity to witness physically the second coming of our Lord and Saviour

The main text also gives credence to what is written about the second coming of Jesus Christ in the book of  Act 1 vs. 10 – 11, Mathew 24 vs. 30, and Revelation 1 vs. 7 . Believers must beware of people who do not believe that Jesus Christ came to this world in human form because they are deceivers and antichrists ( 2 John 1 vs. 7 ). These types of people will never believe in His second physical appearance and rapture. The Prophets and Apostles also warned believers to beware of them. (2 Peter 3 vs. 1-4, 8-10).

Beloved, the day of reckoning is at hand. Don’t die in your sin. Repent before it is too late. Your salvation hour is now and it must not be delayed anymore. Whatever will hinder you from reigning with Christ in heaven must be avoided. If you die in your sins, you will lose eternity. That will not be your portion in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Remain blessed.

Written by Evangelist Alatise. S . O

For Free Tracts, Contact,

The Christian Tract Department

Zion’s Disciples Christian Evangelical Ministry

P. O. Box 2796, Sapon, Abeokuta, Ogun State.


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