Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation partners with SERVICOM to enhance public service delivery
The Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation, a non-profit organisationcommitted to transforming public service delivery in Africa, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Service Compact with All Nigerians (SERVICOM), a Federal Government Initiative established to promote effective and efficient service delivery in Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs). This strategic partnership is aimed at strengthening the capacity of SERVICOM to deliver on its mandate.
This partnershipmarks a significant milestone in the Foundation’s commitment to transforming public service delivery in Nigeria. By joining forces with SERVICOM, the Foundation aims to strengthen the agency’s capacity to deliver efficient and effective services to the Nigerian people.
“We are delighted to partner with SERVICOM in this critical endeavour,” said OfovweAig-Imoukhuede, Executive Vice Chairat the Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation. “Our organisations share a commitment to improving the lives of Nigerians through efficient and effective public service and so it makes perfect sense for us to collaborate. Together, we will work tirelessly to equip SERVICOM with the tools and capacity to deliver on its mandate.”
The partnership will focus on several key areas. The Foundation will providecapacity-building supporttoSERVICOMstaff empowering them to effectively monitor and evaluate service delivery reform initiatives acrossthe Nigerian Civil Service. Additionally, it will assist withdeveloping and refining Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs), ensuring adherence to best practices and improved service delivery.
To further enhance service quality, the Foundation will also supportSERVICOM in adoptingISO 9001 quality management systems acrossMDAs.This support will includeproviding technical expertise and guidance toensure successful certification and implementation.
Finally, theFoundation will support SERVICOM toconduct comprehensive needs assessments of MDAs to identify service delivery gaps and develop tailored solutions. By working closely with SERVICOM, the Foundation aims to create a more responsive and citizen-centric public service.
The signing of the MOU signifies the beginning of a strong partnership between the Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation and SERVICOM. Both organisations are dedicatedto collaborating in the pursuit of a more efficient, effective, and accountable public service in Nigeria.
Notes to the Editor:
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The Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation is a public sector-focused philanthropic organisation founded by Aigboje and OfovweAig-Imoukhuede to improve the lives of Africans through transformed public service delivery and increased access to quality primary healthcare. The Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation accomplishes its mission by supporting the reform initiatives of public sector entities, providing financing, consulting support, and capacity-building programmes and resources for the public sector workforce. The Foundation provides funding and strategic support to drive the work of affiliate organisations such as ABC Health, the Private Sector Health Alliance of Nigeria (PSHAN), the Nigerian Solidarity Support Fund (NSSF), and others.
For more information, please visit www.aigimoukhuedefoundation.org.