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Addressing Kaduna killings as an emergency

Barely a week (20th Sunday, March, 2022) after an attack that left no less than 34 persons dead, another gruesome attack by mischievous gunmen on Sunday, 28th March, 2022, left a community in Giwa Local Government Area of Kaduna State in trouble, with the killing of 15 locals. Report gathered revealed that the bandits invaded Hayin Kanwa village, Yakawada ward in Giwa Local Government Area of Kaduna State, leaving 15 killed. Incidence of killings and kidnapping in Giwa have been observed to be on a recurring toll.

Recurring attacks by gunmen popularly tagged bandits have brought Kaduna to the fore of turbulence. Recently, killings across the State have seen the spate of insecurity assume stormy dimensions. Recall, Sunday 20th March, 2022 attack in Kaura Local Government Area, LGA, in four locations  – Tsonje, Agban, Katanga and Kadarko – all within Kagoro Chiefdom of Kaura LGA, recorded a death toll of no less than 34 persons, including two military officers.

Kidnapping have not been left out of records of the escapades of gun wielding assailants, which in recent times have seen the kidnapping of school students for ransom. It is apparent that the ineptitude of the Government, which seems handicapped, has left residents across the State, particularly in the Southern part with nothing but the fate to seek self refuge, as mischievous gunmen gain momentum to unleash terror. Worried by the unsavoury narratives, Kaduna Central District Senator, Uba Sani, decrying the recent spate of terrorist attacks on some communities in Giwa Local Government of Kaduna State – including Angwan Sarki Yahya, Tashar Shari, Bare-Bari, Tsaunin Natal, Dillalai, Durumi and Jatin Kanwa, Kaya community, Mai kyauro and Fatika,  all in Yakawada Ward – mentioned the agenda were aimed at instilling fear in the people and destroying the economies of local communities in the State. Sani who charged security forces to reassess their strategies and come up with workable and effective solutions to the menace of terrorists in Giwa Local Government in particular and Kaduna State in general was quoted: “These blood cuddling vampires have no regard for human life. They have no place in a civilised society. The unrelenting attacks call to question the strategies and tactics being adopted by our security forces. We expected that with the declaration of bandits as terrorists, they will be degraded in no time. This appears not to be happening.

“The forests where these terrorists are holding sway are not impregnable. A comprehensive operational plan, executed with high sense of professionalism and responsibility, will rid Kaduna State forests of these murderous elements. What we need is total commitment on the part of our security forces and the support and cooperation of the local communities.

“Security is local. That is why I have been in the forefront of advocacy and pushing of bills in the Senate for State Police. We must bring law enforcement closer to the people. Effective gathering of intelligence and sustained security operations at the local level will make life uncomfortable for terrorists. They will have no operational base. I urge our people to remain vigilant and report any suspicious movements to security operatives. Terrorists are not spirits. They live in our midst. We must have zero tolerance for them. The damage they are doing to our communities is unimaginable.”

It is indisputable that situations in Kaduna are growing to assume a state of anarchy where the lives and properties of citizens are no longer secured. Attacks on military personnel and their base have been on record as the seeming handicap posture of the government continues to embolden mischievous elements to fortify their estate of terror. The penultimate Sunday’s attack that left no less than 34 persons dead had recorded two military officers among the toll. Recall that August 24, 2021, an attack on the permanent site of the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) Kaduna, had left two military officers dead, while one was kidnapped. In the incidence, the bandits were reported to have shot sporadically, causing fear and confusion in the Academy which is located in close proximity with the Federal College of Forestry Mechanisation, Afaka.

Kaduna no doubt has become a troubled zone, with the rising spate of incidence of killings and kidnapping. The multiplier effects of same, if not checked with all firmness, would further record heightening narratives of toughening insecurity profile in the Country.

The impacts of unleashing terror on certain parts of the Country without heavy clampdown have seen the emboldening of mischievous elements enlarging their tentacles of gruesome operations for their self determined agenda against popular good of innocent citizens, and at large the Country. The accumulating impacts are reflecting a state of nature where life is becoming nasty, brutish and short. The essence of government is to bring to nullity any sensation of such. Kaduna, among other parts of the Country, have particularly been cut relatively with such sensations of mayhem of banditry. The compounding impacts have left destabilising strings of discomfort, as the socio-economic and political fabrics of the Country have become heated with the scourge. It is high time the Government arose to its responsibility of securing lives and properties within the State in question, among other troubled zones.

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