A man of the people being celebrated

By Saka Folarin Lawal

It was a celebration galore in the house of Sooko Tajudeen Olaniyi Lawal, the Honourable Commissioner for Home Affairs on Sunday June 20, 2021 as he added another year to his age in the land of the living. Many people thronged the house from far and near to celebrate him. It was a colourful event. The whole of Olasode community where the commissioner resides, welcomed the heavy influx of cars full of politicians and other important personalities to celebrate the Prince from Lafogido ruling house. The DJ in attendance did not give room for a dull moment by making the day worthwhile through playing varieties of  songs and everyone danced away their sorrow and all ate to their satisfaction.

The celebrant, Sooko Walaamo of the source, when he was interviewed averred that he is short of words by the large turnout of the people including his family to celebrate with him. He used the occasion to express his unfeigned gratitude to the divine being for being there for him always, His mercy upon him since he was born, to the present moment and to where He is taking him to. Thereafter, he expressed his full  appreciation for the birthday wishes he received on his phone, the prayers via the phone calls and the messages on social media from family, friends and political associates and the gifts both in cash and kind from people.

One of the gifts was the frame with his picture that was presented to him by the representatives of NULGE from the state. The NULGE excos from Ife East local government were also in attendance. They all made his mouth agape, increasing his understanding that nothing is worth doing  other than goodness. He affirmed that though his decision ab initio was to have a low key celebration, the decision was absolutely arrested with the arrival of his well wishers and political associates to rejoice with him. He concluded that whatever one knows of right to do as human should be continually done, because everything we do in life has a reward.

Meanwhile, Sooko Tajudeen Lawal came to life some years ago. Apparently, he was born into the progressives family. His father, Alhaji Yusuf Alarape Lawal was a socialite cum prominent and principled progressive politician during his life time. His father suffered political persecutions for his belief from the conservatives that led to his incarceration. The late father was conspicuously precluded from attending the naming ceremony of his child, while he had to send the name, Tajudeen from the prison. That child today is, Sooko Tajudeen Olaniyi Lawal. He was a former Czar of Ife East Local government, Ile Ife and to the glory of God as at present, he is a serving  commissioner for Home Affairs under the indefatigable and ever dynamic governor, Alhaji Isiaka Gboyega Oyetola, the Executive Governor, state of Osun.

In a nutshell, it is God that does things but not ordinary mortals, Taju is unequivocally receiving the rewards of his father for being unjustly persecuted and besides, the destiny of a man is never subjected to alteration and it materializes at the appointed time.

Taju Lawal has really carved a niche for himself in politics. A quintessential politician like his father. A card carrying member of progressives party since he came to life up to the moment and never for once engaged himself in any anti-party activities. He is so contented and never thought of shifting ground for juiciness, even when the situations were so hellish to cope with, in a tight spot financially to the perniciousness of his followers. He is simple, easy going and accessible. His house has been described by other politicians as a typical example of a market function, a house where there is free entry and free exit. He is an humble politician. By his humility, he had been privileged to gain a lot through his learning at the feet and drinking from the immense wealth of experience, abundant native intelligence and reservoir of wisdom of some respected leaders of note. Today, the experience he garnered is serving him right as a leader. A good emulation to others.

His style of politics is crystal clear. A politician with open-mindedness and transparent honesty. He shares the feelings of his followers and embraces men of good principles in making the party to blossom. He has always been an inveterate loyalist who loathes the fickleness of human nature when he throws his weight behind any candidate. He is a kind of politician who detests pulling down syndrome, hurling curses and invectives at other politicians or unnecessarily besmirching the reputations of others, the toga of attitudes some of the politicians are donning in the political circle of today.

Eniafe as being fondly called by his admirers is endowed with a good sense of humour, jeu d’espirit. He gives no room for dull moments when you are with him. He is so lively and loves to see people around him. With his attitudinal disposition, he has endeared himself in the hearts of the people. Hardly you see him angry unnecessarily because he nurses no rancour against anyone but is known for his bluntness on matters relating to the development of the party. He always takes relish on the needed exertions for the party to thrive. A party man per excellence.


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