Wife and son escape death

…Run away from home, husband’s location unknown

On August 2, 2023, one Temitope Sanni left his home, at about 9am after informing his wife, Mosunmola Ajoke Durowoju of his intention of visiting his hometown in order to attend a meeting to resolve a land dispute between him and two maternal relations of his named Adigun and Adeyemi.

Around four hours later, the said Adigun and Adeyemi in company of some other men came knocking on his door,  claiming that they were acting on Sanni’s instructions that his wife, Mosunmola and their son, Oluwadamilare should vacate their residence immediately.  

They claimed a terrible fight had broken out at the family meeting that had resulted in shooting and macheting of anyone in the vicinity. It was much later that it was discovered that the two were the masterminds of the attacks that left many of the family elders and members injured with some needing intensive care in the hospital.

However, Mosunmola refused to budge because she did not receive any instruction or direction from her husband to that effect. Moreover, her husband did not call her with any information regarding the outcome of the meeting. As a result, she refused to open the door for them or leave her home as they directed her.

Reports gathered indicate these men began shouting and screaming for the husband who was not in the house, to come out or something terrible would happen.

“Suddenly, Adigun, Adeyemi and their men started shooting into the air and on to the roof of the Sanni’s house. Later, they began smashing down the door with machetes in order to gain access into the main house, all the while threatening to kill Sanni, his wife, children and any other person they find in the building,” according to a witness.

While this was going on, the wife and the son escaped through the back door unknown to the assailants. They hid in the bush for three days without water or food and were eventually rescued by some villagers who saw them in the bush.They remained in the village for some time as she could not get in touch with the husband on phone. It was while they were in the village that a Samaritan made them realise that a case of such gravity was better reported to the police.

Consequently, she reported the case at the police headquarters at Eleyele, Ibadan and the case was also reported in one of the other local newspapers. After the case had been reported, a strange telephone number started calling threatening to kill Mosunmola and her son wherever and whenever they were found or seen.

According to information gleaned from the neighbours, it was said that the wife’s family had come to the rescue of their daughter and her son. However, their whereabouts remain unknown, perhaps, for the fear of being killed by Adigun and Adeyemi.

Investigations are still on to fish out the perpetrators of the attack on Sanni’s residence, while the location of the husband, Temitope Sanni, is yet to be ascertained since the day of the meeting.

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