Terror-related attacks, killings in Nigeria down 23% — Defence Chief

A report by the Global Terrorism Index Report has revealed that terror-related attacks and killings in Nigeria have reduced by 23%.

This was disclosed by the Chief of Defence Intelligence, Major General Emmanuel Akomaye Udiandeye while performing the accreditation of 12 foreign Defence Advisers and Attaches newly posted to Nigeria.

Speaking the General said, “I want to use this opportunity to assure you all of Nigeria’s upbeat commitment to the improvement of security and safety of all and sundry in the Country.:

“In recent times, the Armed Forces of Nigeria has given terrorists, bandits and other agents of destabilisation a trouncing in our various offensive operations all over the Country.

“I make bold to state that our resolve has largely paid-off. These undesirable elements are being decimated daily while normal safety is being restored in hitherto troubled areas.

“A major index to assure the success achieved is the recent Global Terrorism Index report where Nigeria improved 2 places with significantly decreased terrorists’ incidents and loss of lives; with 385 deaths recorded this year which shows a drop by 23 percent from the previous year.

“I am pleased to inform you that the Armed Forces of Nigeria is at the Centre of this significant accomplishment.

“These are testament to the fact that the Armed Forces of Nigeria is poised to sustain its onslaught against all enemies of Nigeria until our objective is achieved; which is a safe, secure, prosperous and united democratic Nigeria.”

He said, “The accreditation of the allied Defence Advisers and Attachés deployed to our beloved Country will further strengthen the already existing cordial bilateral relationship between our countries.

“Although many of you have been around for some time and some of you have interacted with the Agency in the course of discharging your duty, this accreditation ceremony has further placed a stamp of authority and an approval on your deployment as Defence Advisers/Attachés accredited to Nigeria.

“I therefore want to congratulate all of you on this historic event of being officially accredited to Nigeria by the Defence Intelligence Agency.”

He assured the DA’s that “the Agency is at all times prepared to render all possible assistance to Defence Adviser/Attaché on Diplomatic Missions that are in tandem with the best global diplomatic practices in line with its mandate.

“We have, to the best of our ability, been living up to this billing. I am very much aware of the various engagements and interactions you have been having with the Director of Foreign Liaison and I am also aware of the resulting cordial interactions and relationship.”

Reiterating that “the Agency has mostly been proactive in handling matters on your behalf,” the CDI said, “This does not mean there are no gaps observed, but we are always ready to engage with our foreign partners to resolve any issues towards the realisation of our common objective.”

Speaking further, he said, “I want to reiterate that the Agency remains the link between our allied Defence Advisers/Attachés and the Ministry of Defence, its Agencies, Institutions, Establishments as well as other Ministries and Agencies in Nigeria.

“We expect that all your written communications on official matters are sent to the Defence Intelligence Agency in order to facilitate further action as appropriate.

“Let me state for clarity’s sake that you are not allowed to communicate directly with the Ministry of Defence and other components of the government of Nigeria as earlier enumerated.

“But be rest assured that the Agency will be at your service to address any concern you may have in the course of your official duties.”

Welcoming the DA’s, Director of Foreign Liaison,Brigadier General Ojogbane Adegbe said the accreditation was significant to welcome them and show that they and their countries are accepted in Nigeria

He advised the DA’s on movement across the country without the knowledge of the agency adding that visits to services headquarters without the knowledge and consent of the Agency is prohibited.

The countries whose DA’s were accredited include China, Ghana, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Japan, Sierra Leone, Pakistan, Botswana, Cote’D’Ivoire and Uganda.

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