I will make Rotary the service organisation of first choice — Kukoyi
The newly installed Rotary District Governor for district 9111, Dr Oluwole Kukoyi has declared that he will make Rotary the service organisation of first choice.
Kukoyi was installed as the Pioneer District Governor of District 911 last weekend in a ceremony marked by elegance.
Delivering his inaugural address, Kukoyi promised to honour his vows, and commitments and to maintain trust and integrity throughout his year as pioneer district governor.
“Today we make a historic milestone in our Rotary journey. As the Pioneer District Governor of District 9111, I am humbled and excited to lead our district into a new era of service for growth and impact. We embark on this journey together, united in our quest for excellence and our passion for service, ready to embrace challenges and seize opportunities.
“The theme for this year’s Rotary is the ‘Irresistible Magic of Rotary.’ The magic of Rotary is about transforming lives and communities and transforming the world. It’s about the impact we make when we come together united in our pursuit of excellence. It’s about the smiles we put on children’s faces, the hope we bring and the joy we experience in serving others. We will strive to make Rotary the service organisation of first choice, a beacon of hope and kindness in our communities.
“Our district’s value proposition is built, amongst other things, between the pillars of trust and integrity. Our projects and initiatives will align with Rotary’s action plan and seven areas of focus addressing some of the world’s most present challenges.”
Kukoyi further spoke on the plans to equip the Ota General Hospital with a sickle cell centre.
“The foundation-laying for the Sickle Cell Disease Centre project was done on July 3. This will be completed in a very short time. The national Sickle Cell Centre has already partnered with in various ways to ensure this is successful,” he said.
Also speaking, the Chairman of the Installation Planning Committee, District 9111, Funke Salau, said the centre was the major project of the governor as she solicited donations for the cause from dignitaries and Rotary members in attendance.
She emphasised the importance of helping others in need, working together and displaying acts of kindness while reminding people in attendance of humanity.
“To our guests, installation in Rotary is an avenue to raise funds for Rotary projects. These projects cut across the Rotary seven areas of focus, which are promoting peace, fighting diseases, providing clean water, sanitation and hygiene, saving mothers and children, supporting education, growing local economies, and protecting the environment.
“So, today we are all here to raise funds for his signature project during his Rotary year which is the Sickle Cell Centre building in the Ota General Hospital in Ogun State.
“This centre will provide confirmatory testing of newborns. Screening programmes for sickle cell disease, genetic counselling, etc. will be available in the centre, which will go a long way to eradicate and reduce the disease in our society,” Salau said.