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Nigerian universities rally against FG’s 40% IGR deduction



The Committee of Vice Chancellors of Nigerian Universities has sent a protest letter to the Federal Government, urging a reversal of the plan to deduct 40 percent of federal universities’ Internally Generated Revenues (IGR).

Secretary-General of the Committee, Yakubu Ochefu emphasised that the government’s demand for 40 percent of university IGR is unjustified, particularly as it has yet to grant them autonomy.

The government’s intention to implement this deduction from November 2023, as stated in a letter dated October 17, 2023, has raised concerns.

Ochefu highlighted that universities operate without surpluses, relying primarily on student fees rather than generating profits or revenues, and any enforced deduction would ultimately affect parents.

He said, “If you look at the Act, it didn’t say 40 percent IGR, but surplus. So, who determines what is surplus? The Finance Act of 2020 is explanatory, and it is the institution that is supposed to decide and send you the surplus if there is any. But FG says it now wants to deduct it from the source. We have protested and written to the Ministry of Education.

“If they insist, it means they want to ground the universities to a halt. Or we will be forced to add the 40 percent to what we are charging the end users, and these end users are already complaining. We told the Ministry of Education to write to the Ministry of Finance to halt the development. The letter was written on Thursday.

“Ultimately, any decision taken, it is the parents that will bear it. Schools are not commercial activities; they are social entities. Parents will bear it if FG insists on a 40 percent deduction. For the government to sit down somewhere and equate universities, colleges, and polytechnics as revenue centres, that isn’t possible. They are not funding universities well enough. If you grant autonomy and we are charging the normal rate, then we will give you 40 percent.”

Also,the National President, Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU),  Emmanuel Osodeke said, “As a union, we are in a meeting to take the decision. They are not supposed to deduct anything from anyone. The university is not generating revenue, which means you want to give students loans and you want to go back to the universities to collect them as 40 percent IGR.

“These are universities that are not properly funded. Parents are complaining that they can’t pay the current fees, yet you want to collect 40 percent of the little universities earn.”

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Akoka: Federal College of Education workers tackle provost over tenure extension



The staff of Federal College of Education (Technical), Akoka, Lagos, have staged a protest against the school’s provost, Dr. Wahab Azeez, over his tenure in office.

The protest which took place in the school premises on Monday was directed at the alleged unlawful stay in office of the provost as the agitators claimed it was against the Act governing Federal Colleges across the country.

Monday’s protest started around 9 am as FCET staff members marched through the college premises singing solidarity songs.

They also carried placards with different inscriptions some of which read: ‘President Bola Ahmed Tinubu your authority and assented law is been usurped by Azeez and other authorities,’  ‘Concerned staff FCE(T), Akoka Law supersedes connection or monetary influence. Let the new act take its hold in Akoka,’ ‘Concerned staff FCE(T), Akoka,’ ‘Azeez is as good as a sole proprietor due to his dictatorship, not as a public officer.’ ‘Concerned staff FCE(T), Akoka, ‘Leaders who seek only power and control will end up losing both.’

Speaking at the protest, the deputy registrar, Chris Olamiju, told our correspondent that the Provost’s tenure in office had come to an end on the 26th of May 2024, according to section 13 subsection 7a and b of the new Act signed by President Bola Tinubu.

Olamiju quoted the Act as thus, “If on the commencement of this section, a Provost appointed before the commencement of this Act has held office for (a)less than five years, the provost shall be deemed to be serving the five-year single term and shall not have the right for the renewal of his appointment for a further term of four years.

“(b) more than five years and serving the second term of office, be deemed to be serving the last term of office without any further extension.”

Olamiju noted that the protest was a result of the misinterpretation of the act by the Ministry of Education to support the provost’s stay in office.

Also at the protest, assistant Deputy Bursar, Nicolas Ogbusuo, said that the staff at FCET Akoka College were protesting the renewal of the Provost’s appointment, citing a new law that limits tenure to five years. Ogbusuo stressed an acting provost be appointed pending a new appointment

”We are protesting the renewal of the Provost’s appointment, the new law stated that tenure is limited to five years. Despite the law, the provost claims to have a letter from the ministry granting him an additional five years, which we know cannot supersede the law. We demand an acting Provost be appointed pending a permanent replacement,” he stated.

The principal assistant registrar,  Austin Nwachukwu, said that the new act states that any Provost appointed before its commencement, who has not served five years, shall have a single five-year tenure. Nwachukwu noted that the provost, appointed in 2019, has served four years, and his five-year tenure ended on Sunday.

He further explained that the staff were rejecting the ministry’s interpretation of the act, which allowed him to stay beyond five years, and was demanding his removal, citing the college’s deteriorating state and their desire for new leadership.

Reacting to the agitation, The Provost Federal College of Education (Technical), Dr Wahab Azeez, said that his tenure which commenced on 26th of May, 2023, had been duly authorised and confirmed by the Federal Ministry of Education.

Azeez noted that the clarification was by the new law signed by the President on June 12, 2023.

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Yabatech canvasses collaboration with industry



The Rector, Yaba College of Education, Dr. Abdul Ibraheem, has said connecting the town and gown will lead to the much-desired national development and youth empowerment.

He said this while giving a presentation of his one year in office and public lecture held on the campus.

Ibraheem emphasised that Yabatech treasured industry collaboration because it was crucial for aligning academic programs with real-world needs.

He explained that as part of efforts to collaborate with the industry, Yabatech had, “Established a Yabatech  Industry Alliance Group to facilitate industry collaborations, established Yabatech ICT Academies to enhance students’ skills to keep up with advancements in technology and obtain skill certifications before graduation. It is also an opportunity for staff to earn additional income

“Collaboration with Skillfort (A telecom partner). 30 students were awarded partial scholarships for eight weeks of telecommunications training through the collaboration. We have secured continuous collaboration with MTN Nigeria on Youth Empowerment.

“Signed an MOU with Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. A staff member from the College has enrolled in a PhD program through the collaboration. We have signed an MOU with KOBE Institute of Computing, Japan. The collaboration will expose students and staff to 21st-century skills and many more.”

He added that to enhance infrastructure and resources, they had secured significant funding and strategic partnerships, including “N1.93b in research grants (local and international). In endowment, we have received donations of legacy projects worth N26b.

“ Some of these are: A N3.5b building complex at Yaba campus to be named ‘Folawiyo Entrepreneurship Centre’ in honour of late Chief (Dr) Wahab Folawiyo, by Chief Rasheed Fanimokun, a 150-Acre landed property at Snake Island for a Green Campus Initiative, also by Chief Rasheed Fanimokun, a hostel building at Epe campus donated by Lady Christine Doja Otedola. We owe our progress to the hard work and sacrifices of those who came before us.”

While giving his keynote address, George Okufi, commended the rector for shunning the arrogance of power and office while embracing the challenges of leadership with humility.

He mentioned some of his achievements, “You have succeeded in turning the Yaba Community within and outside the confines of the College to buy into your vision. The Traditional Rulers in this area are on the same page with you.

“In December 2023, there was a Free Eye Care held in collaboration with AL-Basa, 400 Surgeries and 4,000 check-ups were carried out free.

“I understand the former First Lady of Lagos State, Lady ‘Doja Otedola has donated a Hostel to the College in Epe. The Folawiyo Entrepreneurship Center and 150 hectares of land on Snake Island donated by Chief Tunde Fanimokun in April 2024. 25 students of the College have been recently sent to China on an Exchange Programme. The brand name Yabatech is going beyond the shores of Africa- all thanks to Dr Abdul and his formidable team.”

Chairman, Ceremonies Committee, Yaba College of Technology Mrs. Olabisi Adeniji, while giving her speech said, “Today marks another significant milestone and achievement in the history of the first tertiary institution in Nigeria, Yaba College of Technology. Under the able leadership of Dr Ibraheem Abdul, we celebrate the 365-day milestone in the tenure of a visionary leader as Rector.”

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Heirs Insurance to host N8m funded National Essay championship



Heirs Insurance Group, Nigeria’s fastest-growing insurance group, has invited Junior Secondary School Students to apply for the third edition of its prestigious Heirs Insurance Essay Championship (formerly called Heirs Life Essay Championship), its biggest yet. The Championship promises exceptional prizes and scholarships for the finalists.

The winning student will receive a N5 million scholarship, and their school will receive an additional N1 million grant, as a reward for academic excellence and community support. The first and second runners-up will also receive a N2 million and N1 million scholarship respectively, in addition to being invited for an all-expense paid trip to the iconic Transcorp Hilton, where the final presentation will take place.

The nationwide competition, aimed at fostering creativity, critical thinking, and writing skills among young Nigerian students, promises to be the most exciting and rewarding yet.

According to Heirs Insurance,”All secondary school students across the country in JSS1 – JSS3 are invited to write a 500-word essay titled ‘If I Could Invent Something New’ and submit the essays on The submission period is from May 27 to July 7, 2024. Entries will be judged based on originality, depth of analysis, clarity of expression, and adherence to competition guidelines. Schools and parents are invited to encourage their students and children respectively, to apply.”

Commenting on the commencement of the 3rd edition of the Essay Championship, Chief Marketing Officer, Heirs Insurance Group,  Ifesinachi Okpagu said, “We are excited to review all the brilliant ideas and inspiring stories that will emerge from this year’s competition. The last two editions were a resounding success, with last year’s winner, Kentimfon Ndanyongmong from Akwa Ibom State earning recognition from his state Governor. We look forward to celebrating the outstanding achievements of our young children and contributing to their academic growth.”

All essays will be graded by distinguished judges, comprising educators, industry experts, and literary figures. The judging process will be thorough and transparent, ensuring that only the most deserving essays are selected. The winners will be announced on the Heirs Insurance website and social media platforms in August 2024.

Heirs Insurance Group is the insurance arm of Heirs Holdings, the leading pan-African investment company, with investments across 24 countries and four continents, founded and led by Tony Elumelu. With a rapidly expanding retail footprint and an omnichannel digital presence, Heirs Insurance Group, comprising Heirs General Insurance Limited, Heirs Life Assurance Limited and Heirs Insurance Brokers, serves both corporate and individual customers across Nigeria.

Heirs Insurance Group is championing financial inclusion and leading the digital insurance play in Nigeria, demonstrating its mission to democratise access to insurance. As part of its unique proposition, the Group rolled out digital and mobile channels to simplify access to insurance and make insurance accessible to everyone. Application link:

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