10th NASS: APC support group stages protest over micro-zoning arrangement

Joel Oladel, Abuja

Forum of APC Support Groups has staged a protest against the zoning arrangement proposed by the leadership of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) for principal positions in the 10th National Assembly (NASS).

The members of the group who stormed the national Secretariat of the party in Abuja on Tuesday were seen with different placards and banners with the inscriptions: “NASS leadership, we demand justice, equity and fairness, zone Senate President to the South – East;” “Obey the party constitution, adhere to the APC motto; Justice peace and Unity; zone Senate President to the South-East;” “Respect the legacy party agreement that produced APC,” among others.

The National Publicity Secretary of the group, Adamu Isa’ah, while addressing journalists, suggested that  the party should consult widely among the Stakeholders and especially the National Executive Committee (NEC) to be able to do the zoning in the spirit of fairness, goodwill, equity and justice.

The group, therefore, urged the National Working Committee (NWC) of the party to urgently correct what it described as “lop-sidedness and imbalance decision.”

“Consequently, we, the Forum of APC Support Groups, wish to condemn and totally reject the so-called zoning formula of the 10th National Assembly (NASS) as dictated by the party.

“What is more worrisome is the fact that the party in error went ahead to microzone names to specific persons.

“This we consider is not in the spirit of party inclusivity. We suggest that the party consults widely among the stakeholders and especially the National Executive Committee (NEC) to be able to do this in the spirit of fairness, goodwill, equity and justice. The party motto must be respected i.e justice, peace and unity.

“Arising from the above, it is noteworthy to specifically state that the party must respect the principle and spirit of the letters of the legacy parties i.e ACN, APGA, ANPP, CPC and n-PDP. At every level of governance in APC since 2015, all others above except APGA faction have taken prominent positions as president, vice president, senate president, speaker of House of Representatives, National Chairmen of the party, SGF etc. There is therefore an urgent need to correct this lop-sidedness and imbalance.

“Similarly, a handful of those currently vying for the position of the Senate President of the 10th NASS came into APC only in the later days of its second term in office. They have not equally played any major roles in the party except to come and take over positions like nomadic politicians who come in only when food is ready. This too is not fair to those who laboured and built the party from inception to its enviable height,” he noted.

Arguing further, Adamu said the South-East has produced two APC Governors and six APC Senators Elect while the South-South being erroneously favoured today for the office of senate-president has had President, Vice-president, 2 National chairmen, National Secretary, Deputy senate president, SGF.

He said: “Again, we must ‘make hay while the sun shines.’ APC must imbibe the spirit of anti-corruption as started by former President Mohammadu Buhari.”

The forum advised President Bola Tinubu to walk the talk by fighting corruption  in earnest, ensuring that those with corruption allegations and graft tendencies do not lead the 10th National Assembly including those seeking appointments.

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